Version 4 of xmlgen / htmlgen

Updated 2004-05-12 02:00:05

What: xmlgen / htmlgen

 Description: Extension for easy, dynamic creation of HTML/XML with Tcl.
        Works in a fashion similar to cgi.tcl .  xmlgen can be used
        to generate XML; htmlgen is built on top of xmlgen to generate
        Currently at 1.4.0 .
 Updated: 05/2002
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Harald Kirsch)

The package is no longer hosted at Find its new home at

where it is called xmlgen, or go directly via

SC I've just been reading about Genx [L1 ] which is a C library for generating XML written by Tim Bray. The main differences between the capabilities of xmlgen and Genx seem to be:

  • Handling of XML Namespaces
  • Generation of Canonical XML [L2 ]

So, I had a quick think about how to do namespaces with xmlgen and came up with the following syntax:

 xmlns rdf "http://\#"
 xmlns rdfs "\#"

 declaretag foo -namespace rdf
 declaretag bar -namespace rdfs

 foo ! {
     bar - This is content
     bar - this is also content

To make this work, the root element should have the namespace declaration attributes included:

 <foo xmlns:rdf="http..." xmlns:rdfs="http...">

A quick look at the code makes me think that this modification might not be too hard to make (add the ns attributes in makeTagAndBody when the indent is "" -- or perhaps more properly add a nesting counter and add the attributes when it's zero). Having figured this out I might well go an implement this next time I need to generate XML with namespaces, this note is just in case anyone else wants to have a go instead.

Harald Kirsch [ Category Application | Category Package | Category XML | ]