Return window related information. See [wm] for [Window manager] related information. ---- Notice that the return value of [[winfo id ...]] is the id used by [toplevel] and [wish] in toplevel ... -use $id and wish ... -use $id Here's an example: label .t1 -text Above label .t2 -text Below frame .holder -container 1 pack .t1 .holder .t2 exec wish other_application.tcl -use [winfo id .holder] & [[Include an image here.]] Incidental remark: when [CL] substitutes exec tclkit tiny.tcl -use [winfo id .holder] & for that last line, while running on WinNT, with tiny.tcl having content pack [.button -text "Push me" -command exit] everything comes up OK. When the button is pushed, "Dr. Watson" appears. Dismissing it eventually results in a whited-out frame "hole" in the embedding Wish. Is this an error in TclKit 8.4a3? ---- [Category Command] | [Tk syntax help] | [Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming]