Version 16 of vwait

Updated 2003-09-24 18:42:32

vwait - Process events until a variable is written

 vwait varName

This command enters the Tcl event loop to process events, blocking the application if no events are ready. It continues processing events until some event handler sets the value of variable varName. Once varName has been set, the vwait command will return as soon as the event handler that modified varName completes.

official man page

In some cases the vwait command may not return immediately after varName is set. This can happen if the event handler that sets varName does not complete immediately. For example, if an event handler sets varName and then itself calls vwait to wait for a different variable, then it may not return for a long time. During this time the top-level vwait is blocked waiting for the event handler to complete, so it cannot return either. (from: Tcl Help)

Chris Nelson said these golden words on the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup:

Multiple vwaits nest, they do not happen in parallel. The outermost vwait cannot complete until all others return.

vwait forever: Wish has a built-in event loop. Tclsh has one too but enters that only on demand, for which the idiom is to write at the end of code

 vwait forever

(forever being the name of a variable that is presumably never used, but you can set forever to any value to terminate such a Tcl script). RS See the note below about namespaces - missing this note results in problems that occur quite commonly! (See the note below about namespaces - missing this note results in problems that occur quite commonly!)

Timeout for vwait: Wai Shun Au wrote in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup:

 after 30000 {set a $a}
 vwait a

Jeffrey Hobbs commented: You found the standard way, but you have to go a Jeffrey Hobbs commented: You found the standard way, but you have to go a bit further to avoid weird bugs. Cache the after id and make sure to cancel it following the vwait (no catch needed - if the after id no longer exists, because it was triggered, after cancel doesn't care). That way you won't get a being reset no matter what in 30 secs.

You can [vwait] on several variables simultaneously as long as all those variables are in the same array, and you are happy for any set of the array to cause the [vwait] to terminate. Do this by making the [vwait] be on the overall array, and not any element of it. DKF

Actually, you can combine the multiple variable & timeout nicely without the variables having to be related, and the timer won't affect the actual variables, Demonstrated by this code taken from dissussion on the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup (most of the original work by Donald Porter, that I tweaked a little to add timeout option). BBH kenstir: I have further tweaked this version of waitForAny that returns the I have further tweaked this version of waitForAny that returns the var (or vars) that got set during the vwait. This allows you to build a robust asynchronous queue. I'm submitting it as a patch to along with tests. kenstir

 namespace eval control {
    variable waitForAnyKey 0

    # new "vwait" that takes multiple variables and/or optional timeout
    # usage:  waitForAny ?timeout? variable ?variable ...?
    proc waitForAny {args} {
        variable waitForAnyArray
       variable waitForAnyArray
       variable waitForAnyKey
        # if first arg is a number, then that is max wait time
       # if first arg is a number, then that is max wait time
       if {[string is int [lindex $args 0]]} {
          set timeout [lindex $args 0]
          set args [lrange $args 1 end]
        # create trigger script that will cause vwait to fall thru
       # create trigger script that will cause vwait to fall thru
       # (trailing comment is to eat appended args in trace command)
       set index "Key[incr waitForAnyKey]"
       set trigger "[namespace code [list set waitForAnyArray($index) 1]] ;#"
        # create trace to trip trigger
       # create trace to trip trigger
       foreach var $args {
          uplevel \#0 [list trace variable $var w $trigger]
        # set timer is user requested one
       # set timer is user requested one
       if {[info exists timeout]} {
          set timerId [after $timeout $trigger]
       vwait [namespace which -variable waitForAnyArray]($index)
        # remove all traces
       # remove all traces
       foreach var $args {
          uplevel \#0 [list trace vdelete $var w $trigger]
        # cancel timer
       # cancel timer
       if [info exists timerId] {
          after cancel $timerId
       # cleanup
       unset waitForAnyArray($index)



vwait in namespaces: It is not documented, but the varName must be globally qualified as if in a binding, even if the vwait is inside a namespace eval:

 namespace eval foo {
       vwait bar        ;# will never fire
       vwait ::foo::bar ;# does the job
    variable bar     ;# These two lines also do the job
       variable bar     ;# These two lines also do the job
       vwait [namespace which -variable bar]    ;# DGP
 } ;# RS

DGP -- The fully qualified name requirement is documented in Tcl 8.3.3. Upgrade!

A majority of the coding questions received in comp.lang.tcl in an event world, it is much better to keep everything event driven.

A majority of the coding questions received in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup about vwait appear to result from deep misunderstandings of the command (as opposed to mere syntactic confusion, for example). Bruce Hartweg has rightly advised that its proper use is restricted: "IMHO vwaits shouldn't be used too much (the nesting issue creates unexpected results) because you are trying to force a synchronous approach in an event world - It is much better to keep everything event driven. Occasionally for simple things (like dialogs) to use a vwait to avoid having to break something the has a couple of file picks and/or confirmations into umpteen parts has its place." KBK agrees that the Tcl event loop is widely misunderstood and discusses related issues in Update considered harmful and the pages to which it links. Packages such as Tk and tclsvc themselves call vwait. To avoid nested vwait calls:

This little program demonstrates what Chris Nelson stated above (vwaits nest):

 set ::time 0
 set ::a 0
 set ::b 0

proc a_vwait {} {

 proc a_vwait { } {
     puts "Waiting 15 sec for ::a"
     vwait ::a
     puts "::a set"

proc b_vwait {} {

 proc b_vwait { } {
     puts "Waiting 30 sec for ::b"
     vwait ::b
     puts "::b set"

proc timer {} {

 proc timer { } {
     incr ::time 1
     puts "$::time sec"
     if {$::time == 35} {
     } else {
         after 1000 timer

after 1 a_vwait

 after 1 a_vwait
 after 5 b_vwait
 after 10 timer

after 15000 {set ::a 0}

 after 15000 {set ::a 0}
 after 30000 {set ::b 0}

vwait forever

 vwait forever

When you understand this code snippit, you'll be free from the dangers of haphazardly using vwait.

Marty Backe 15 August 2002

Jeff Hobbs spoke in the Tcl chatroom: vwait should always be protected by

  if {![info exists tk_version] && ![info exists tcl_service]} { ...

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