Version 11 of vertical labels

Updated 2004-01-23 20:06:09

MGS - Here's a nasty-ish hack to make labels with vertical text. Not rotated text, just with the letters stacked on top of each other. For spaces, you need to insert two newlines.

 if 0 {
     label .l -text "Vertical\n\nLabel" -wraplength 1
     pack  .l

Make sure the label is packed/gridded so as not to expand or fill horizontally.

RS Another way is:

 if 0 {
     label .l2 -text [join [split "Vertical text" ""] \n]

This way is slower and alters the actual text contained in the label rather than just how it wraps, though. -FW - RS: Well, it processes a copy of the text, which is perfectly normal in Tcl - but needs no workaround for spaces... ;-)

Mike Tuxford thinks both of those are clever and would come in handy for use with Animated Vertical Tabs

ulis, 2003-01-23. Torsten in c.l.t. asked for a vertical label package. Here it is.

Vlabel package

  if {![info exists ::vlabel::version]} \
    namespace eval ::vlabel \
      namespace export vlabel
      package require Tk
      variable version 0.1
      package provide Vlabel $version
      proc vlabel {w args} \
        label $w
        rename $w ::vlabel::_$w
        interp alias {} ::$w {} ::vlabel::vdispatch $w
        if {[llength $args] %2 == 1} \
        { return -code error "value for \"[lindex $args end]\" missing" }
        if {$args != ""} { eval vconfig $w $args }
        return $w
      proc vtext {text} { join [split $text {}] \n }
      proc vdispatch {w {cmd ""} args} \
        set rc [catch \
          switch -glob -- $cmd \
            con*    { uplevel 1 ::vlabel::vconfig $w $args }
            default { uplevel 1 ::vlabel::_$w $cmd $args }
        } res]
        if {$rc != 1} { return -code $rc $res } \
        else \
        { return -code 1 [string map [list ::vlabel::_$w $w] $res] }
      proc vconfig {w args} \
        set l [llength $args]
        if {$l == 0} { return [eval ::vlabel::_$w config $args] }
        set n 0
        foreach {key value} $args \
          incr n
          if {$n == $l} { return [::vlabel::_$w config $key] }
          switch -glob -- $key \
            -text   \
            { ::vlabel::_$w config -text [vtext $value] }
            default \
            { ::vlabel::_$w config $key $value }
          incr n


  package require Vlabel
  namespace import ::vlabel::vlabel
  pack [vlabel .l -text vlabel -bg gold]

escargo 23 Jan 2004 - Wrapped some example code with if 0 { so that I could use wish-reaper to collect and test out the code.

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