**Introduction** This page is intended to collect in one place various bits of knowledge gained through much trial, many errors, and some reading the [C] code of the [Tile] widget set. The intent is to not have to repeat the trial, error, or reading in order to remember how to utilize the [ttk::style] command to style various [Ttk] [widget]s. This initial version is quite incomplete, as it only documents those bits I've deduced so far. This is for Tk 8.5.8. **[ttk::treeview%|%treeview%|%]** -fieldbackground: Configures the background color of the unused portion of a treeview widget (any area not covered by rows of data). ====== ttk::style configure Treeview -fieldbackground color ====== -background: Configures the background color of rows that contain data values when applied to a .Row style sub-selector. ====== ttk::style configure Treeview.Row -background color ====== -foreground: Configures the foreground color used to draw items in the tree column (#0) when applied to an .Item style sub-selector.<
>Configures the foreground color used to draw non-tree (-values list) columns when applied to a .Cell style sub-selector. ====== ttk::style configure Treeview.Item -foreground color ttk::style configure Treeview.Cell -foreground color ====== -rowheight: Adjusts the rowheight (spacing between rows) in the treeview, distance is in pixels. ====== ttk::style configure Treeview -rowheight height ====== -indent: Adjusts the indentation amount of child elements below parent elements within the tree column. ====== ttk::style configure Treeview -indent distance ====== Adjustment of the background color of selected items in the treeview uses the ttk::style map sub-command applied to the style sub-selectors above: ====== ttk::style map Treeview.Row -background [ list selected color ] ttk::style map Treeview.Cell -background [ list selected color ] ttk::style map Treeview.Item -background [ list selected color ] ====== Adjustment of the background color of the the column heading labels uses the ttk::style map sub-commend applied to the .Heading style sub-selector: ====== ttk::style map Treeview.Heading -background [ list active color !active color ] ====== ---- **[ttk::checkbutton%|%checkbutton%|%]** -wraplength: Configures wordwrapping of the textual label of the checkbutton. Distance is in pixels. ====== ttk::style configure TCheckbutton -wraplength distance ====== <> Widget