Version 4 of ttk::checkbutton

Updated 2009-12-13 13:21:56 by Mat

Ttk's checkbutton widget.

Mat: To remove the indictator and have your checkbuttons look like normal buttons, use a custom style:

 # 1. create a new style "MatButton" based on the default style for checkbuttons
 ttk::style configure MatButton.TCheckbutton

 # 2. use the same layout, that normal buttons use
 ttk::style layout MatButton.TCheckbutton [ttk::style layout TButton]

 # 3. our style should adjust its relief to reflect the select state
 ttk::style map MatButton.TCheckbutton -relief {selected sunken !selected raised}

 # and we're done.. create a new checkbutton and enjoy :)
 pack [ttk::checkbutton .b -text "Check Me" -style MatButton.TCheckbutton]

Mat: Update - Just thinking about that, if you directly inherit from Button in step 1, by naming the style MatButton.TButton, you could skip step 2. I've just tried it with 8.5.8 and it works the same, though I have no idea what the preferred way of doing this is.