[Ttk]'s [checkbutton] [widget]. : http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/ttk_checkbutton.htm ---- [Mat] To remove the indictator and have your checkbuttons look like normal buttons, use a custom style: # 1. create a new style "MatButton" based on the default style for checkbuttons ttk::style configure MatButton.TCheckbutton # 2. use the same layout, that normal buttons use ttk::style layout MatButton.TCheckbutton [ttk::style layout TButton] # 3. our style should adjust its relief to reflect the select state ttk::style map MatButton.TCheckbutton -relief {selected sunken !selected raised} # and we're done.. create a new checkbutton and enjoy :) pack [ttk::checkbutton .b -text "Check Me" -style MatButton.TCheckbutton] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Widget] |% !!!!!!