Version 0 of tschords

Updated 2022-01-19 05:07:09 by DDG

tschords - typesetting chord diagrams for fretted string instruments

DDG - 2022-01-19: Below is a simple Tcl terminal application which allows to typeset chord diagrams for fretted string instruments such as Ukulele and Guitar.

Here an example use case on how to create a Fadd9-Chord diagram on a Bariton Ukulele:

tclsh tschords.tcl -file DGBE-Fadd9.svg -chord Fadd9 -positions 3213 \
     -fingering RMIP -root R000 -nfrets 4 -width 200 -height 240 -tuning DGBE


Source code

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh


  • code cleaning using the tsvg package
  • direct PDF output using pdf4tcl
  • canvas output
  • direct png output using gdtcl


DDG - 2022-01-19: Please discuss here.