Identifier: tksquare Version: 0.1.0 Title: TkSquare Description: a widget example Rights: BSD-like URL: Architecture: Win, UNIX Subject: widgets ---- [Marco Maggi] - This is the TEA extension of the tkSquare.c widget that comes with the TK core source code. I've tested it only on GNU/Linux, if someone wants to test it on other platforms and email me bug fixes... just do it. ---- What does it do? [lv] This code provides one with an example of how to write a new Tk command. It isn't intended to provide functionality as much as to provide a simple code example. However, what the code provides is a widget of type ''square'' that displays a single square that can be moved around and resized. ---- [[ [Category Widget] | [Category Package] ]] [Category GUI] | [Category Tutorial]