'''SVG-like rendering for the canvas''' Description Tkpath implements path drawing modelled after SVG. It is very flexible and reproduces all standard drawing canvas items. Features include: opacity, antialiasing, gradient fills, affine transformations, and fill rules. Backends include: CoreGraphics on MacOSX, GDI on Win32, GDI+ on WinXP, Cairo on X11, and Tk drawing as a fallback. Not all backends support all features. Information Package tkpath Author Mats Bengtsson Homepage http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclbitprint License BSD Documentation tkpath-0.1 Categories GUIs Links http://sourceforge.net/projects/tclbitprint http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/ http://www.visit.se/~matben/ http://cairographics.org/ ---- The author has announced version 0.2 of this package on 16 July 2006. The new version includes numerous more specialized canvas items sharing the visual traits of the original "path" item and also includes radial patterned gradients. No new release files are available at this time but cvs holds pre-built binaries. Here is the announcement (google groups/tiny url) http://tinyurl.com/gqo2n by [Roy Terry] 3Sep06 ---- Sample of Antialias in action on an analog clock [tkpath - clock] ---- Author just announced tkpath 0.2.2, adding a ptext text item which supports the same drawing model as the other tkpath items. ---- In January, 2008, developer announced 0.2.8, which is a Tk 8.5 only release (no backward compatibility). ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Graphics] | [Category Package] |% !!!!!!