To search the Tcler's Wiki, please use|%Search%|% ---- [fr]: This is about retrieval or browsing the wiki pages, or at least some of them. It goes without embedded links, instead the experimental client code below offers a text widget, to select short suffix strings step by step. The discriminating characters to type are displayed on yellow background. Use Pos1 to return to startpage, backspace or arrow-left to step back. Use the keyboard or click items, if no appropriate key is available. Tab and space both select too. To start, please type the initial letter of an arbitray word supposed in a wiki page title. One exception: to find pages of category company|home|person, type a space first. ---- Screenshot with demos in action [] ---- package r Tk package r http #set ::url T:// set ::url T:// regsub T $::url http ::url foreach k [winfo chi .] { catch {destroy $k} } set ::tx [toplevel .index] wm title $::tx nore.. frame $::tx.f set ::reaped_code "" label $::tx.f.l -text Select-Events: pack $::tx.f.l -side left set ::visit 1 checkbutton $::tx.f.visit -variable ::visit -text "open page in browser" pack $::tx.f.visit -side left set ::rp 0 checkbutton $::tx.f.reap -variable ::rp -text "reap & run Tk-code, possibly UNSECURE!" -fg red pack $::tx.f.reap -side left pack $::tx.f set ::z $::tx.t text $::z -ba lightgrey -wrap word -height 18 pack $::z # fonts set ::pfo device set ::pfo_hot systemfixed set ::pfo_title system $::z tag con hot -for blue -ba yellow -fon $::pfo_hot $::z tag con norm -for black -ba white -fon $::pfo $::z tag con title -for black -ba \#9afb95 -fon $::pfo_title bind . {console show} wm title . taipudex . configure -bg bisque bind $::tx {ome} bind $::tx {ome} bind $::tx {woidle} bind $::z {mola @%x,%y} bind $::z <1> {pu @%x,%y} bind $::z {mola ""} bind $::tx {nore %A} # regex-patterns of unsecure commands set ::pAT_exec {\s*[\{\[]*\s*exe[c]{0,1}\s} set ::pAT_eval {\s*[\{\[]*\s*eva[l]{0,1}\s} set ::pAT_file {\s*[\{\[]*\s*fi(?:l|le){0,1}\s} set ::pAT_open {\s*[\{\[]*\s*ope[n]{0,1}\s} set ::pAT_load {\s*[\{\[]*\s*loa[d]{0,1}\s} set ::pAT_package {\s*[\{\[]*\s*packa(?:g|ge){0,1}\s} proc pu w { set char [$::z get $w] foreach tag [$::z tag names $w] { if {[regexp ^tag $tag]} { set char [string range $tag end end] break } } set todo "" catch {set todo $::fmt($char)} if {[string le $todo]} { eval $todo } else { bell } } array set ::kept {} ;# cached queries array set ::fmt {} ;# actions for key event set ::prev [list] ;# previous display set ::act_h "" ;# active tag before set ::amole "" ;# after id, property pink set proc mola at { if {![string le $at]} { catch {after cancel $::amole} if {[string le $::act_h]} { $::z tag con $::act_h -ba {} } set ::amole "" } else { if {![string le $::amole]} { set ::amole [after 150 [list amola $at]] } } } proc amola at { catch { foreach tag [$::z tag names $at] { if {[regexp ^tag $tag]} { $::z tag con $tag -ba pink if {![string equal $::act_h $tag]} { if {[string le $::act_h]} { catch {$::z tag con $::act_h -ba {} } set ::act_h $tag break } set ::act_h $tag } } } } set ::amole "" } proc ome {} { set last [pop] zag $last $::kept($last) 0 } proc nore {uc} { if {[string le $uc]} { catch { set afi $::fmt($uc) if {[string le $afi]} { eval $afi } } err } } proc pop {} { set ::prev [lreplace $::prev end end] set res [lindex $::prev end] set ::prev [lreplace $::prev end end] return $res } proc push {x} { lappend ::prev $x } proc woidle {{x {}}} { # append minus to preserve trailing blank set q $x- set q [::http::mapReply $q] wm title $::tx nore.. update idletasks if {[catch {set vast $::kept($x)}]} { if {[catch {set t [time {set n [::http::geturl $::url -query x=$q]}] } err]} { #puts err=$err tk_messageBox -icon error -message $err -title "error on $::url" return } set t [expr {[lindex $t 0]/1000}]\ msec wm title $::tx $t zag $x [::http::data $n] 1 http::cleanup $n } else { wm title $::tx 0 zag $x $vast 0 } } proc zag {prefix x save} { set ::title_l {} push $prefix if {$save} { set ::kept($prefix) $x } $::z con -state normal $::z delete 1.0 end foreach tag [$::z tag names] {if {[regexp ^tag $tag]} {$::z tag delete $tag}} set ::a $x set nl2 [string first \n\n $x] set tlen 2 if {[expr $nl2 > -1]} { foreach pair [split [string range $x [expr {$nl2+2}] end] \n] { foreach {k v} [split $pair \t] break set ::titles($k) $v set tmp [string le $v] if {[expr {$tlen<$tmp}]} {set tlen $tmp} } incr nl2 -1 set x [string range $x 0 $nl2] } else { regsub {\n$} $x {} x } set itemlist [split $x \n] set spaces "" set nl \n set h [lindex [$::z configure -height] end] set sep [expr {([llength $itemlist]<=$h) ? $nl : $spaces }] set longest 0 set first_t 1 array unset ::fmt foreach t $itemlist { set clen [string le $t] if {[expr {$clen>$longest}]} {set longest $clen} set tagstart [$::z ind insert] set tagend $tagstart $::z ins end \ $prefix norm set hc "" if {$first_t} { set first_t 0 if {[regexp {^ [0-9]+$} $t]} { set dis "" } else { set dis [string range $t 0 0] } } else { set dis [string range $t 0 0] } set rest [string range $t 1 end] append hc $dis $::z ins end $hc hot set uniq 2 if {![regexp {\$$} $t]} { set all [split $rest \t] set ff [lindex $all end] foreach {fin ff} [split $t \t] break set fin [string range $fin 1 end] foreach pg [split $ff +] { incr uniq -1 if {$uniq==1} { if {![string eq $hc \t] } { $::z ins end $fin\t norm } $::z ins end \ $::titles($pg)\t title } else { $::z ins end $sep $::z ins end \t$::titles($pg)\t title } set tagend [$::z ind insert] } if {$uniq==1} { set ::fmt($hc) [list sho $pg $::titles($pg)] } } else { set fin $t set fin [string range $t 1 end-1] set ::fmt($hc) [list woidle $prefix$hc$fin] append fin \u2026 $::z ins end $fin\t norm $::z ins end \t title set tagend [$::z ind insert] } $::z ins end $sep $::z tag add tag$hc $tagstart $tagend } incr longest 1 incr tlen $tlen $::z configure -tabs "[expr {$longest * [font measure $::pfo 0]}] left [expr {$tlen * [font measure $::pfo_title 0]}] right" $::z configure -state disabled } proc sho {idx title} { if {$::visit} { if {[catch {lug$idx} err]} { tk_messageBox -icon error -message $err -title "error on starting browser" } } if {$::rp} { set ::reaped_code "" reap $idx if {[regexp {pack |grid } $::reaped_code]} { # gui code found set code $::reaped_code set tk [regsub -all -line {^\s*package.*Tk\s*$} $code {} code] regsub -all -line {^\s*console} $code {#console} code # check unsecure commands set crit [list] foreach p [info vars ::pAT_*] { if {[regv $p code]} { lappend crit $p } } # disregarded glob|socket|wm # todo: # maybe list package dependencies # ask user, if to run anyway if {[llength $crit]} { set in [::safe::interpCreate] ::safe::loadTk $in } else { set in [interp create] } puts in=$in append code \n[info body ::2top]\n #puts code:<<$code>> if {!$tk} { $in eval "package require Tk\n$code" } else { $in eval "package require Tk\n$code" } } } } proc 2top {} { fore x [winfo chi .] { if {[rege {Wish|Top} [winfo class $x]]} { wm dei $x } } } proc regv {pname text} { upvar $pname v upvar $text t return [regexp $v $t] } proc lug {url} { if {[regexp windo $::tcl_platform(platform)]} { set exe $::env(ProgramFiles) append exe /Mozilla\ Firefox/firefox.exe exec $exe $url & } else { exec iceweasel $url & } } woidle "" # from [] if {![catch { package require nstcl-html }] && ![catch { package require nstcl-http }]} { namespace import nstcl::* } else { package require http proc ns_geturl {url} { set conn [http::geturl $url] set html [http::data $conn] http::cleanup $conn return $html } proc ns_striphtml {-tags_only html} { regsub -all -- {<[^>]+>} $html "" html return $html ;# corrected a typo here } proc ns_urlencode {string} { set allowed_chars {[a-zA-Z0-9]} set encoded_string "" foreach char [split $string ""] { if {[string match $allowed_chars $char]} { append encoded_string $char } else { scan $char %c ascii append encoded_string %[format %02x $ascii] } } return $encoded_string } } proc output {data} { # we don't want to throw an error if stdout has been closed catch { puts $data } } proc reap {page} { package require htmlparse set url[ns_urlencode $page] set now [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%e %b %Y, %H:%M" -gmt 1] set html [ns_geturl $url] # can't imagine why these characters would be in here, but just to be safe set html [string map [list \x00 "" \x0d ""] $html] set html [string map [list
\x0d] $html] if {![regexp -nocase {([^<]*)} $html => title]} { set title "(no title!?)" } if {![regexp -nocase {Updated on ([^G]+ GMT)} $html => updated]} { set updated "???" } output "#####" output "#" output "# \"$title\"" output "#" output "# Tcl code harvested on: $now GMT" output "# Wiki page last updated: $updated" output "#" output "#####" output \n set html [ns_striphtml -tags_only $html] foreach chunk [regexp -inline -all {\x00[^\x0d]+\x0d} $html] { set chunk [string range $chunk 1 end-1] set chunk [::htmlparse::mapEscapes $chunk] foreach line [split $chunk \n] { if {[string index $line 0] == " "} { set line [string range $line 1 end] } output $line } } output \n output "# EOF" output \n } proc output s { append ::reaped_code $s\n } set ::reaped_code "" ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Gui] | [Category Tcler's Wiki] |% !!!!!!