Purpose: To get [TclX] file functionality into the core. These will eventually become [TIP]s, so any comments or suggestions would be welcome now. Question: is it practical to push for this stuff to be included in the 8.5 release? The '''-keepalive''' option should be added to [fconfigure] for sockets. Possibly other sockopts should be added to fconfigure too. '''Changes to tcl's file command''' A new file option '''-fileid''' to allow an open file to be processed in place of the file name argument. (This may not be possible under windows.) * '''file truncate [[file]]''' for tclx's [ftruncate] * '''file lock [[file]]''' for tclx's [flock] * '''file unlock [[file]]''' for tclx's [funlock] * '''file dup [[fd]]''' for tclx's [dup] * '''file set [[fd]] [[fd]]''' ... not part of tclx, but would be nice ... [[file set stderr [[open /tmp/log a+]]]] * '''file pipe [[]] [[]]''' for tclx's [pipe] command. * '''file isatty [[fd]]''' predicate returning true if fd is a tty. '''Implementation Considerations''' * The addition of '''-fileid''' semantics may be a fair bit of work * Interactions with things like * Should [file] be made into an actual [ensemble] command? Perhaps we're not far enough along with that yet. * Can/Should [file] be moved off as a distinct module within [tcl] itself? * Are the things named by ''fd''s refcounted? They'd have to be, if [[file dup]] and [[file set]] were to be implemented. ---- See Also: * [tclx signal commands for core] ---- [Category Suggestion]