'''tclexecomp ''' is a Tcl executable wrapper, which creates a single executable file from a Tcl script. Currently it can create binaries for Linux (64-bit), Windows (32-bit/64-bit) and macOS (64-bit). It is based on [Freewrap], but more up-to-date and with many more Tcl modules integrated. For more information see http://tclexecomp.sourceforge.net/index.html. The latest version (released August 31, 2017) is '''V1.0.6''' and uses '''Tcl 8.6.7'''. ---- [MHo] 2017-11-16: One question. The readme states: ====== Notes for Windows ----------------- If you create an executable for windows, you need 2 DLL's, which have to be in the same directory like the application. You find them in the tools subdirectory, for 32 and 64 Bit systems. ====== Is this true at ''wrapping time'', or also at ''runtime''? <>Application | Deployment | Dev. Tools