[RS] brought this [Tcl in Javascript] here from http://sarnold.free.fr/pub/jstcl/tcl.js - for a later version, see [tcl.js 0.2], [tcl.js 0.3], [tcl.js 0.4] ---- /*==================================================== * tcl.js "A Tcl implementation in Javascript" * * Released under the same terms as Tcl itself. * (BSD license found at http://www.tcl.tk/software/tcltk/license.html) * * Based on Picol by Salvatore Sanfilippo (http://antirez.com/page/picol) * (c) Stéphane Arnold 2007 * vim: syntax=javascript autoindent softtabwidth=4 */ function TclInterp () { this.callframe = new Array(new Object()); this.level = 0; this.commands = new Object(); this.procs = new Array(); this.OK = 0; this.RET = 1; this.BRK = 2; this.CNT = 3; this.getVar = function(name) { var val = this.callframe[this.level][name]; if (val == null) throw "No such variable: "+name; return val; } this.hasVar = function(name) { return (this.callframe[this.level][name] != null); } this.getObjVar = function (name) { return this.objectify(this.getVar(name)); } this.setObjVar = function (name, val) { return this.setVar(name, this.objectify(val)); } this.setVar = function(name, val) { this.callframe[this.level][name] = val; return val; } this.incrLevel = function() { this.callframe[++this.level] = new Object(); return this.level; } this.decrLevel = function() { this.callframe[this.level] = null; this.level--; if (this.level<0) throw "Exit application"; var r = this.result; this.result = null; return r; } this.getCommand = function(name) { try { return this.commands[name]; } catch (e) { throw "No such command '"+name+"'"; } } this.registerCommand = function(name, func, privdata) { if (func == null) { throw "No such function: "+name; } this.commands[name] = new TclCommand(func, privdata); } this.registerEasyCommand = function(name, func) { if (func == null) { throw "No such function: "+name; } this.commands[name] = new TclCommand(func, null); } this.registerProc = function (name, privdata) { this.commands[name] = new TclCommand(Tcl.Proc, privdata); this.procs[name] = true; } this.renameCommand = function (name, newname) { this.commands[newname] = this.commands[name]; if (this.procs[name]) { this.procs[name] = null; this.procs[newname] = true; } this.commands[name] = null; } this.setCode = function (code) { this.code = code; } this.getCode = function () {return this.code;} this.refreshCode = function () {this.code = this.OK;} this.registerSubCommand = function(name, subcmd, func, privdata) { if (func == null) { throw "No such subcommand: "+ name +" " + subcmd; } var path = name.split(" "); var ens; name = path.shift(); var cmd = this.commands[name]; if (cmd == null) { ens = new Object(); ens["subcommands"] = new TclCommand(Tcl.InfoSubcommands, null); this.commands[name] = new TclCommand(Tcl.EnsembleCommand, null, ens); } ens = this.commands[name].getEnsemble(); if (ens == null) throw "Not an ensemble command: '"+name+"'"; // walks deeply into the subcommands tree while (path.length>0) { name = path.shift(); cmd = ens[name]; if (cmd == null) { cmd = new TclCommand(Tcl.EnsembleCommand, null, new Object()); ens[name] = cmd; ens = cmd.getEnsemble(); ens["subcommands"] = new TclCommand(Tcl.InfoSubcommands, null); } } //alert(ens); ens[subcmd] = new TclCommand(func, privdata); } this.registerEasySubCommand = function (name, subcmd, func) { this.registerSubCommand(name, subcmd, func, null); } this.registerEasyCommand("eval",function (interp, args) { this.requireMinArgc(args, 2); var code; for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { args[i] = args[i].toString(); } if (args.length == 2) code = args[1]; else code = args.slice(1).join(" "); return interp.eval(code); }); this.registerEasyCommand("if", function (interp, args) { this.requireMinArgc(args, 3); var test = interp.objectify(interp.eval("set _ "+args[1].toString())); if (test.toBoolean()) return interp.eval(args[2].toString()); if (args.length == 3) return; for (var i = 3; i < args.length; ) { switch (args[i].toString()) { case "else": this.requireExactArgc(args, i + 2); return interp.eval(args[i+1].toString()); case "elseif": this.requireMinArgc(args, i + 3); test = interp.objectify(interp.eval("set _ "+args[i+1].toString())); if (test.toBoolean()) return interp.eval(args[i+2].toString()); i += 3; break; default: throw "Expected 'else' or 'elseif', got "+ args[i]; } } // unreached }); this.registerEasyCommand("incr", function (interp, args) { this.requireArgcRange(args, 2, 3); var name = args[1].toString(); if (args.length == 2) var incr = 1; else var incr = interp.objectify(args[2]).toInteger(); incr += interp.getObjVar(name).toInteger(); return interp.setVar(name, new TclObject(incr, "INTEGER")); }); this.registerEasyCommand("puts", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 2); alert(args[1]); }); this.registerEasyCommand("proc", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 4); var name = args[1].toString(); var arglist = interp.parseList(args[2]); var body = args[3].toString(); var priv = new Array(); priv.push(arglist); priv.push(body); interp.registerProc(name, priv); }); this.registerEasyCommand("set", function (interp, args) { this.requireArgcRange(args, 2, 3); var name = args[1]; if (args.length == 3) interp.setVar(name, args[2]); return interp.getVar(name); }); this.registerEasyCommand("unset", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 2); interp.setVar(args[1], null); }); this.math = function (name, a, b) { switch (name) { case "+": return a + b; case "-": return a - b; case "*": return a * b; case "/": return a / b; case "%": return a % b; default: throw "Unknown operator: '"+name+"'"; } } for (var maths= "+-*/%"; maths != ""; maths=maths.substring(1)) this.registerEasyCommand(maths.charAt(0),function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 3); var name = args[0].toString(); var a = interp.objectify(args[1]); var b = interp.objectify(args[2]); var x = a.getNumber(); var y = b.getNumber(); if (a.isInteger() && b.isInteger()) return new TclObject(interp.math(name, x, y),"INTEGER"); if (a.isReal() && b.isReal()) return new TclObject(interp.math(name, x, y),"REAL"); return new TclObject(interp.math(name, x, y).toString()); }); this.registerEasyCommand("=", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 3); var a = args[1].getNumber(); var b = args[2].getNumber(); return (a == b); }); this.registerEasyCommand("!=", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 3); var a = args[1].getNumber(); var b = args[2].getNumber(); return (a != b); }); this.registerEasyCommand("and", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 3); var a = interp.objectify(args[1]).toBoolean(); var b = interp.objectify(args[2]).toBoolean(); return (a && b); }); this.registerEasyCommand("or", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 3); var a = interp.objectify(args[1]).toBoolean(); var b = interp.objectify(args[2]).toBoolean(); return (a || b); }); //alert('str5'); this.registerEasyCommand("not", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 2); var a = interp.objectify(args[1]).toBoolean(); return (!a); }); this.registerEasyCommand("lindex", function (interp, args) { this.requireMinArgc(args, 3); var list = interp.objectify(args[1]); var index; for (var i = 2; i < args.length; i++) { try { index = list.listIndex(args[i]); } catch (e) { if (e == "Index out of bounds") return ""; throw e; } list = list.content[index]; } return interp.objectify(list); }); //alert('str4'); this.registerEasyCommand("llength", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 2); return args[1].toList().length; }); this.registerEasyCommand("list", function (interp, args) { args.shift(); /*for (var i in args) { args[i] = interp.objectify(args[i]); }*/ return new TclObject(args); }); this.registerEasyCommand("lappend", function (interp, args) { this.requireMinArgc(args, 3); var vname = args[1].toString(); if (interp.hasVar(vname)) { var list = interp.getVar(vname); } else { var list = new TclObject([]); } list.toList(); for (var i = 2; i < args.length; i++) { list.content.push(interp.objectify(args[i])); } interp.setVar(vname, list); return }); //alert('str3'); this.registerEasyCommand("lset", function (interp, args) { this.requireMinArgc(args, 4); var list = interp.getVar(args[1].toString()); var elt= list; for (var i = 2; i < args.length-2; i++) { elt.toList(); elt= interp.objectify(elt.content[elt.listIndex(args[i])]); } elt.toList(); i = args.length - 2; elt.content[elt.listIndex(args[i])] = interp.objectify(args[i+1]); return list; }); this.registerEasyCommand("lrange", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 4); var list = interp.objectify(args[1]); var start = list.listIndex(args[2]); var end = list.listIndex(args[3])+1; try { return list.content.slice(start, end); } catch (e) { return new Array(); } }); this.registerEasySubCommand("info", "commands", function (interp, args) { var list = new Array(); for (name in interp.commands) { list.push(name); } return list; }); //alert("str++"); this.registerEasySubCommand("info", "procs", function (interp, args) { var list = new Array(); for (name in interp.procs) { list.push(name); } return list; }); this.registerEasySubCommand("info", "body", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 2); var name = args[1].toString(); if (!interp.procs[name]) throw "Not a procedure: "+name; return interp.getCommand(name).getPrivData()[1]; }); this.registerEasySubCommand("info", "isensemble", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 2); var name = args[1].toString(); return interp.getCommand(name).isEnsemble(); }); this.registerEasyCommand("rename", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 3); interp.renameCommand(args[1], args[2]); }); //alert('str'); this.registerEasySubCommand("string", "equal", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 3); return (args[1].toString() == args[2].toString()); }); this.registerEasySubCommand("string", "index", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 3); var s = args[1].toString(); try { return s.charAt(args[1].stringIndex(args[2].toString())); } catch (e) { return ""; } }); this.registerEasySubCommand("string", "range", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 4); var s = args[1]; try { var b = s.stringIndex(args[2].toString()); var e = s.stringIndex(args[3].toString()); if (b>e) { return ""; } return s.toString().substring(b, e + 1); } catch (e) { return ""; } }); this.registerEasyCommand("return", function (interp, args) { this.requireArgcRange(args, 1, 2); var r = args[1]; interp.setCode(interp.RET); return r; }); this.registerEasyCommand("source", function (interp, args) { this.requireExactArgc(args, 2); return Tcl.Source(interp, args[1]); }); this.objectify = function (text) { if (text == null) text = ""; if (text instanceof TclObject || text == null) { //alert("TYPE"+text.type); return text; } //alert(text+ "OBJ"); return new TclObject(text); } this.parseString = function (text) { text = text.toString(); switch (text.charAt(0)+text.substr(text.length-1)) { case "{}": case "\"\"": text = text.substr(1,text.length-2); break; default: break; } return this.objectify(text); } this.parseList = function (text) { text = text.toString(); switch (text.charAt(0)+text.substr(text.length-1)) { case "{}": case "\"\"": // alert(text); text = new Array(text); break; default: break; } return this.objectify(text); } this.call = function(args) { var func = this.getCommand(args[0].toString()); var r = func.call(this,args); switch (this.getCode()) { case this.OK: case this.RET: return r; case this.BRK: if (!this.inLoop()) throw "Invoked break outside of a loop"; break; case this.CNT: if (!this.inLoop()) throw "Invoked continue outside of a loop"; break; default: throw "Unknown return code "+this.getCode(); } return r; } this.eval = function (code) { try { return this.eval2(code); } catch (e) { alert(e); } } this.eval2 = function(code) { this.refreshCode(); var parser = new TclParser(code); var args = new Array(0); var first = true; var text, prevtype, result; result = ""; while (true) { prevtype = parser.getType(); try { parser.getToken(); } catch (e) { break; } if (parser.isType(parser.EOF)) break; text = parser.getText(); if (parser.isType(parser.VAR)) { try { text = this.getVar(text); } catch (e) { throw "No such variable '"+text+"'"; } } else if (parser.isType(parser.CMD)) { try { //alert("CMD "+text); text = this.eval2(text); //alert("/CMD"+text); } catch (e) { throw new TclException(e, text); } } else if (parser.isType(parser.ESC)) { // escape handling missing! } else if (parser.isType(parser.SEP)) { prevtype = parser.getType(); continue; } text = this.objectify(text); if (parser.isType(parser.EOL) || parser.isType(parser.EOF)) { prevtype = parser.getType(); if (args.length > 0) { //alert("CALL:"+args); result = this.call(args); if (this.getCode() != this.OK) return this.objectify(result); } args = new Array(); continue; } if (prevtype == parser.SEP || prevtype == parser.EOL) { args.push(text); } else { args[args.length-1] = args[args.length-1].toString() + text.toString(); } } if (args.length > 0) { result = this.call(args); } return this.objectify(result); } //alert("eof interp") } function TclException(e, origin) { this.except = e; this.origin = origin; this.toString = function() { return this.except.toString() + ", while running '" + this.origin + "'"; } } var Tcl = new Object(); Tcl.isReal = "^[+\\-]?[0-9]+\\.[0-9]*([eE][+\\-]?[0-9]+)?$"; Tcl.isReal = new RegExp(Tcl.isReal); Tcl.isDecimal = "^[+\\-]?[1-9][0-9]*$"; Tcl.isDecimal = new RegExp(Tcl.isDecimal); Tcl.isHexadecimal = "^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$"; Tcl.isHexadecimal = new RegExp(Tcl.isHexadecimal); Tcl.isOctal = "^[+\\-]?0[0-7]*$"; Tcl.isOctal = new RegExp(Tcl.isOctal); Tcl.isHexSeq = new RegExp("[0-9a-fA-F]*"); Tcl.isOctalSeq = new RegExp("[0-7]*"); Tcl.isList = new RegExp("[\\{\\} ]"); Tcl.isNested = new RegExp("^\\{.*\\}$"); Tcl.getVar = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+", "g"); Tcl.Source = function (interp, url) { var xhr_object = null; if(window.ActiveXObject) // Internet Explorer xhr_object = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); else if(window.XMLHttpRequest) // Firefox xhr_object = new XMLHttpRequest(); else { // XMLHttpRequest non supporté par le navigateur alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP requests. Sorry that we cannot deliver this page."); return; } xhr_object.open("GET", url, false); xhr_object.send(null); var text = xhr_object.responseText; return interp.eval(text); } Tcl.Proc = function (interp, args) { var priv = this.getPrivData(); interp.incrLevel(); var arglist = priv[0]; var body = priv[1]; arglist = arglist.toList(); args.shift(); for (var i = 0; i < arglist.length; i++) { var name = arglist[i].toString(); if (i >= args.length) { if (name == "args") { interp.setVar("args", Tcl.empty); break; } } if (Tcl.isList.test(name)) { name = interp.parseString(name).toList(); if (name[0] == "args") throw "'args' defaults to the empty string"; if (i >= args.length) interp.setVar(name.shift(), interp.parseString(name.join(" "))); else interp.setVar(name[0], interp.objectify(args[i])); } else if (name == "args") { interp.setVar("args", new TclObject(args.slice(i, args.length))); break; } interp.setVar(name, interp.objectify(args[i])); } if (name == "args" && i+1 < arglist.length) throw "'args' should be the last argument"; try { var r = interp.eval(body); interp.refreshCode(); interp.decrLevel(); return r; } catch (e) { interp.decrLevel(); throw e; } } /** Manage subcommands */ Tcl.EnsembleCommand = function (interp, args) { var sub = args[1].toString(); var main = args.shift().toString()+sub; args[0] = main; var ens = this.getEnsemble(); if (ens == null || ens[sub] == null) { throw "Not an ensemble command: "+main; } return ens[sub].call(interp, args); } /** Get subcommands of the current ensemble command. */ Tcl.InfoSubcommands = function(interp, args) { var ens = this.getEnsemble(); var i, r = new Array(); for (i in ens) { r.push(i); } return interp.objectify(r); } function TclObject(text) { this.TEXT = 0; this.LIST = 1; this.INTEGER = 2; this.REAL = 3; this.BOOL = 4; switch (arguments[0]) { case "LIST": case "INTEGER": case "REAL": case "BOOL": this.type = this[arguments[0]]; break; default: this.type = this.TEXT; if (text instanceof Array) this.type = this.LIST; else text = text.toString(); break; } this.content = text; this.stringIndex = function (i) { this.toString(); return this.index(i, this.content.length); } this.listIndex = function (i) { this.toList(); return this.index(i, this.content.length); } this.index = function (i, len) { var index = i.toString(); if (index.substring(0,4) == "end-") index = len - parseInt(index.substring(4)) -1; else if (index == "end") index = len-1; else index = parseInt(index); if (isNaN(index)) throw "Bad index "+i; if (index < 0 || index >= len) throw "Index out of bounds"; return index; } this.isInteger = function () {return (this.type == this.INTEGER);} this.isReal = function () {return (this.type == this.REAL);} this.getString = function (list, nested) { var res = new Array(); for (var i in list) { res[i] = list[i].toString(); if (Tcl.isList.test(res[i]) && !Tcl.isNested.test(res[i])) res[i] = "{" + res[i] + "}"; } if (res.length == 1) return res[0]; return res.join(" "); } this.toString = function () { if (this.type != this.TEXT) { if (this.type == this.LIST) this.content = this.getString(this.content); else this.content = this.content.toString(); this.type = this.TEXT; } return this.content; } this.getList = function (text) { if (text.charAt(0) == "{" && text.charAt(text.length-1) == "}") text = text.substring(1, text.length-1); if (text == "") { return []; } var parser = new TclParser(text.toString()); var content = new Array(), element; for (var i = 0; ; i++) { parser.parseList(); element = new TclObject(parser.getText()); content[i] = element; if (parser.isType(parser.EOL) || parser.isType(parser.ESC)) break; } return content; } this.toList = function () { if (this.type != this.LIST) { if (this.type != this.TEXT) this.content[0] = this.content; else this.content = this.getList(this.content); this.type = this.LIST; } return this.content; } this.toInteger = function () { if (this.type == this.INTEGER) return this.content; this.toString(); if (this.content.match(Tcl.isHexadecimal)) this.content = parseInt(this.content.substring(2), 16); else if (this.content.match(Tcl.isOctal)) this.content = parseInt(this.content, 8); else if (this.content.match(Tcl.isDecimal)) this.content = parseInt(this.content); else throw "Not an integer: '"+this.content+"'"; if (isNaN(this.content)) throw "Not an integer: '"+this.content+"'"; this.type = this.INTEGER; return this.content; } this.getFloat = function (text) { if (!text.toString().match(Tcl.isReal)) throw "Not a real: '"+text+"'"; return parseFloat(text); } this.toReal = function () { if (this.type == this.REAL) return this.content; this.toString(); // parseFloat does not control all the string // so we need to check it this.content = this.getFloat(this.content); if (isNaN(this.content)) throw "Not a real: '"+this.content+"'"; this.type = this.REAL; return this.content; } this.getNumber = function () { try { return this.toInteger(); } catch (e) { return this.toReal(); } } this.toBoolean = function () { if (this.type == this.BOOL) return this.content; try { this.content = (this.toInteger()!=0); } catch (e) { var t = this.content; if (t instanceof Boolean) return t; switch (t.toString().toLowerCase()) { case "yes":case "true":case "on": this.content = true; break; case "false":case "off":case "no": this.content = false; break; default: throw "Boolean expected, got: '"+this.content+"'"; } } this.type = this.BOOL; return this.content; } } function TclCommand(func, privdata) { this.func = func; if (func == null) throw "No such function"; this.privdata = privdata; this.ensemble = arguments[2]; this.call = function(interp, args) { var r = (this.func)(interp, args); r = interp.objectify(r); if (r != null) interp.setVar("_", r); return r; } this.isEnsemble = function () { return (this.ensemble != null); } this.getEnsemble = function () {return this.ensemble;} this.setEnsemble = function (ens) {this.ensemble = ens; return ens;} this.getPrivData = function () {return this.privdata;} this.setPrivData = function (privdata) { this.privdata = privdata; return privdata; } this.requireExactArgc = function (args, argc) { if (args.length != argc) { throw argc+" arguments expected, got "+args.length; } } this.requireMinArgc = function (args, argc) { if (args.length < argc) { throw argc+" arguments expected at least, got "+args.length; } } this.requireArgcRange = function (args, min, max) { if (args.length < min || args.length > max) { throw min+" to "+max+" arguments expected, got "+args.length; } } } function TclParser(text) { this.text = text; this.index = 0; this.len = 0; this.start = 0; this.end = 0; this.type = null; this.insidequote = false; this.OK = 0; this.SEP = 0; this.STR = 1; this.EOL = 2; this.EOF = 3; this.ESC = 4; this.CMD = 5; this.VAR = 6; this.index = 0; this.len = text.length; this.start = 0; this.end = 0; this.type = this.EOL; this.insidequote = false; this.cur = this.text.charAt(0); this.getText = function () { return this.text.substring(this.start,this.end+1); } this.parseString = function () { var newword = (this.type==this.SEP || this.type == this.EOL || this.type == this.STR); if (newword && this.cur == "{") return this.parseBrace(); else if (newword && this.cur == '"') { this.insidequote = true; this.feedchar(); } this.start = this.index; while (true) { if (this.len == 0) { this.end = this.index-1; this.type = this.ESC; return this.OK; } if (this.cur == "\\") { if (this.len >= 2) this.feedSequence(); } else if ("$[ \t\n\r;".indexOf(this.cur)>=0) { if ("$[".indexOf(this.cur)>=0 || !this.insidequote) { this.end = this.index-1; this.type = this.ESC; return this.OK; } } else if (this.cur == '"' && this.insidequote) { this.end = this.index-1; this.type = this.ESC; this.feedchar(); this.insidequote = false; return this.OK; } this.feedchar(); } return this.OK; } this.parseList = function () { level = 0; this.start = this.index; while (true) { if (this.len == 0) { this.end = this.index; this.type = this.EOL; return; } switch (this.cur) { case "\\": if (this.len >= 2) this.feedSequence(); break; case " ": case "\t": case "\n": case "\r": if (level > 0) break; this.end = this.index - 1; this.type = this.SEP; this.feedchar(); return; case '{': level++; break; case '}': level--; break; } this.feedchar(); } if (level != 0) throw "Not a list"; this.end = this.index; return; } this.parseSep = function () { this.start = this.index; while (" \t\r\n".indexOf(this.cur)>=0) this.feedchar(); this.end = this.index - 1; this.type = this.SEP; return this.OK; } this.parseEol = function () { this.start = this.index; while(" \t\n\r;".indexOf(this.cur)>=0) this.feedchar(); this.end = this.index - 1; this.type = this.EOL; return this.OK; } this.parseCommand = function () { var level = 1; var blevel = 0; this.feedcharstart(); while (true) { if (this.len == 0) break; if (this.cur == "[" && blevel == 0) level++; else if (this.cur == "]" && blevel == 0) { level--; if (level == 0) break; } else if (this.cur == "\\") { this.feedSequence(); } else if (this.cur == "{") { blevel++; } else if (this.cur == "}") { if (blevel != 0) blevel--; } this.feedchar(); } this.end = this.index-1; this.type = this.CMD; if (this.cur == "]") this.feedchar(); return this.OK; } this.parseVar = function () { this.feedcharstart(); this.end = this.index + this.text.substring(this.index).match(Tcl.getVar).toString().length-1; if (this.end == this.index-1) { this.end = --this.index; this.type = this.STR; } else this.type = this.VAR; this.setPos(this.end+1); return this.OK; } this.parseBrace = function () { var level = 1; this.feedcharstart(); while (true) { if (this.len > 1 && this.cur == "\\") { this.feedSequence(); } else if (this.len == 0 || this.cur == "}") { level--; if (level == 0 || this.len == 0) { this.end = this.index-1; if (this.len > 0) this.feedchar(); this.type = this.STR; return this.OK; } } else if (this.cur == "{") level++; this.feedchar(); } return this.OK; // unreached } this.parseComment = function () { while (this.cur != "\n" && this.cur != "\r") this.feedchar(); } this.getToken = function () { while (true) { if (this.len == 0) { if (this.type == this.EOL) this.type = this.EOF; if (this.type != this.EOF) this.type = this.EOL; return this.OK; } switch (this.cur) { case ' ': case '\t': if (this.insidequote) return this.parseString(); return this.parseSep(); case '\n': case '\r': case ';': if (this.insidequote) return this.parseString(); return this.parseEol(); case '[': return this.parseCommand(); case '$': return this.parseVar(); } if (this.cur == "#" && this.type == this.EOL) { this.parseComment(); continue; } return this.parseString(); } return this.OK; // unreached } this.getType = function() { return this.type; } this.isType = function(type) { return (type == this.type); } this.feedSequence = function () { if (this.cur != "\\") throw "Invalid escape sequence"; var cur = this.steal(1); var specials = new Object(); specials.a = "\a"; specials.b = "\b"; specials.f = "\f"; specials.n = "\n"; specials.r = "\r"; specials.t = "\t"; specials.v = "\v"; switch (cur) { case 'u': var hex = this.steal(4); if (hex != Tcl.isHexSeq.exec(hex)) throw "Invalid unicode escape sequence: "+hex; cur = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex,16)); break; case 'x': var hex = this.steal(2); if (hex != Tcl.isHexSeq.exec(hex)) throw "Invalid unicode escape sequence: "+hex; cur = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex,16)); break; case "r": case "n": case "t": case "b": case "v": case "a": case "f": cur = specials[cur]; break; default: if ("0123456789".indexOf(cur) >= 0) { cur = cur + this.steal(2); if (cur != Tcl.isOctalSeq.exec(cur)) throw "Invalid octal escape sequence: "+cur; cur = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(cur, 8)); } break; } this.text[index] = cur; this.feedchar(); } this.steal = function (count) { var tail = this.text.substring(this.index+1); var word = tail.substr(0, count); this.text = this.text.substring(0, this.index-1) + tail.substring(count); return word; } this.feedcharstart = function () { this.feedchar(); this.start = this.index; } this.setPos = function (index) { var d = index-this.index; this.index = index; this.len -= d; this.cur = this.text.charAt(this.index); } this.feedchar = function () { this.index++; this.len--; if (this.len < 0) throw "End of file reached"; this.cur = this.text.charAt(this.index); } } ---- [jcw] 2008-05-19 - There's a line "his.text[[index]] = cur;" in the ''feedsequence'' function which refers to a global "index". I'm not sure what it should be, "this.index" doesn't seem to be right. This might be related to "puts a\nb" not working properly afaict. ---- See also [A little tcl.js console] ---- !!!!!! %|[Category Tcl Implementations]|% !!!!!!