'''[http://www.tcl-lang.org/man/tcl/TclCmd/tailcall.htm%|%tailcall]''', a [Tcl Commands%|%built-in] [Tcl] command, executes a command in place of the current command. ** Synopsis ** : '''tailcall''' ''command'' ?''arg''...? ** See Also ** [Tail call optimization]: [TIP]#[http://tip.tcl.tk/327%|%327]: [wrapping commands]: wrap commands by using `[interp invokehidden]` together with `tailcall` `[ycl%|%ycl eval upcall]`: Finds a routine for a command at the current level, as `[tailcall]` does, and executes the command at the specified level, as `[uplevel]` does. ** Description ** '''`tailcall`''' interprets its arguments as a command and executes the command,replacing the [stack frame%|%execution frame] of the command that invoked `tailcall`. Unlike `[uplevel]`, it does not [eval%|%evaluate] its arguments as a script, so [double substitution] does not occur. Unlike some other languages, `tailcall` is not limited to executing only its caller, but can execute any command. The command to be executed is resolved in the current context before `tailcall` replaces the context. `tailcall` is made possible by [NRE]. It first became available as `[::tcl::unsupported::tailcall]` in the release of Tcl8.6a2. Contrast the following two commands: ====== tailcall foo [bar] $var return [uplevel 1 [list foo [bar] $var1]] ====== There are a couple of differences: 1. '''foo''' is resolved at the '''current [level]''', not in the caller's 1. In contrast with `[uplevel]`, the current level is ''really'' replaced. This has positive effects on memory, and a possibly confusing effect on stack traces. To `tailcall` a script: ====== tailcall try $script ====== ---- [WHD]: Let me see if I understand what this does. ====== proc fred {} { george } proc george {} { tailcall harry } ====== If I call fred, it's almost as though fred called harry directly, instead of george. Not so? [MS]: yup - all traces of george are gone from the program stack when harry is called. Now, if harry resolves to a different command in george's current namespace than it would under fred's, the harry that is called is george's and not fred's (no diff if the commands are FQ, of course). I think this does pretty much what delegation is supposed to do, right? ---- [jima] 2009-10-15: Perhaps this has been asked before or somewhere else... Is this an optimization that takes place at bytecode generation time? I mean, once fred knows that has to call harry directly the bytecodes generated would be the ones equivalent to have said: ====== proc fred {} { harry } ====== I reckon I am not familiar with all the internals of Tcl but I find this would be an interesting thing. Wouldn't this be a new way to have some sort of macros? [MS]: Currently, `tailcall` is not bytecompiled. Everything happens at runtime. That extremely simple example could indeed be bytecoded in a minute, but things get more involved as soon as `fred` has a bit more structure to it: arguments, local variables, namespace issues both for variable and command lookup, multiple exit points with different (or no) `tailcall` in them, etc. [jima]: Thanks a lot Miguel for the answer. I see the point. I guess this is the same with `[uplevel] 1`, isn't it? ====== proc fred {} { uplevel 1 { #code here } } ====== Would it be interesting to define a case (like a contract) saying if your procedure is simple enough then it gets bytecompiled and you get some benefits? [MS]: you do not mean "bytecompiled" but rather "inlined into the caller", as all [proc%|%procedure] bodies get bytecompiled. There are quite a few other issues with that, especially to accomodate Tcl's dynamic nature. Changing one inlined proc would cause a spoiling of all bytecodes and recompilation of the world, at least with the current approach to bytecode lifetime management. ---- [AMG]: Sounds a lot like `exec` in [Unix shells]. See [execline] for more information on a noninteractive Unix shell where everything is done with exec/tailcall. ---- [PYK] 2015-12-06: Combine `tailcall` with an [identity function%|%identity] command to emulate `[return]`: ====== proc p1 {} { tailcall lindex {Hello from p1} } ====== ** Interaction with `[try]` ** ===none '''%''' proc foo {} {puts {I'm foo}} '''%''' proc bar {} {puts {I'm bar}; try {tailcall foo} finally {puts exiting}} '''%''' foo ''I'm foo'' '''%''' bar ''I'm bar'' ''exiting'' ''I'm foo'' === [HE] 2015-03-31: I'm sure ;-) that I don't understood what happend there. Why "exiting" is printed before "I'm foo" when I call bar? If I change bar to ====== proc bar {} {puts {I'm bar}; try {puts tryBody; tailcall foo} finally {puts exiting}; puts afterwards} ====== and call it, I get: ======none I'm bar tryBody exiting I'm foo ====== What I see is that tailcall replaces the rest of proc even inside the body of `[try]`. But then, why is the `finally` clause evaluated? And even, if we assume the `finally` clause has to be evaluated because it is documented always to be evaluated, then there would be the question, why before the execution of the tailcall command? [AMG]: [[foo]] is invoked by replacing [[bar]] which implies the intervening [[[try]]] block must exit before [[foo]] can start. ---- [wdb]: Apparently, the `tailcall` closes one of the last gaps in Tcl: Tail recursion as known in [Scheme]. ** Example: Cause Caller to Return ** ====== proc one {} { two return 8 } proc two {} { tailcall return 5 } one ;# -> 5 ====== `one` returns `5`, not `8`, because by invoking two, which, through `[tailcall]`, is replaced by `[return]`. ** Example: Factorial ** [NEM]: As a test/demo of how to use this facility, here is a simple benchmark using the factorial function: ====== package require Tcl 8.6a1 namespace import ::tcl::mathop::* interp alias {} tailcall {} tcl::unsupported::tailcall # Naive recursive factorial function proc fac n { if {$n <= 1} { return 1 } else { * $n [fac [- $n 1]] } } # Tail-recursive factorial proc fac-tr {n {k 1}} { if {$n <= 1} { return $k } else { tailcall fac-tr [- $n 1] [* $n $k] } } # Iterative factorial proc fac-i n { for {set k 1} {$n > 1} {incr n -1} { set k [expr {$n*$k}] } return $k } proc test {} { set fmt {%-10s ..%-12.12s %s} puts [format $fmt Implementation Result Time] foreach n {1 5 10 100 500 1000 2500 5000 10000} { puts "\nfac $n:" foreach impl {fac fac-i fac-tr} { if {[catch {$impl $n} result]} { set result n/a set time n/a } else { set time [time [list $impl $n] 10] } puts [format $fmt $impl $result $time] } } } test ====== Putting this in a table, we get (timings taken on Linux box, 2.66GHz, 1GB RAM): %| N | `fac` Time | `fac-i` Time | `fac-tr` Time |% &| 1 | 3.2 | 3.0 | 2.8 |& &| 5 | 10.1 | 4.7 | 19.4 |& &| 10 | 18.4 | 6.4 | 37.9 |& &| 100 | 345.5 | 267.4 | 717.8 |& &| 500 | 3133.9 | 3715.6 | 6182.5 |& &| 1000 | n/a | 13811.7 | 19764.3 |& &| 2500 | n/a | 65121.1 | 84556.5 |& &| 5000 | n/a | 241176.8 | 288136.1 |& &| 10000 | n/a | 987057.8 | 1643480.7 |& As we can see, the tail-recursive version is slightly slower than the iterative version, and unlike the naive version, manages to not blow the stack. [q3cpma] 2021-03-27: Interesting to note that this version: ====== proc iota1 {n} { for {set i 1} {$i <= $n} {incr i} { lappend ret $i } return $ret } proc fac-iota n { * {*}[iota1 $n] } ====== is significantly faster at some data points (Ryzen R7 2700x, Gentoo O3 march=native): %| N | `fac` Time | `fac-i` Time | `fac-iota` Time | `fac-tr` Time |% &| 1 | 0.6 | 0.6 | 3.0 | 0.6 |& &| 5 | 2.2 | 1.2 | 3.9 | 4.5 |& &| 10 | 4.4 | 1.8 | 5.1 | 9.5 |& &| 100 | 87.9 | 81.4 | 68.8 | 172.4 |& &| 500 | 576.4 | 654.8 | 441.9 | 1121.0 |& &| 1000 | n/a | 1924.4 | 1168.9 | 2896.2 |& &| 2500 | n/a | 8025.5 | 6475.8 | 10310.4 |& &| 5000 | n/a | 28105.6 | 27627.5 | 32865.3 |& &| 10000 | n/a | 111091.4 | 116381.7 | 117844.0 |& ** Using Tailcall for Callbacks ** [Napier / Dash Automation] 2015-12-28: Someone (I forget who now) gave me this little snippet which I love and handles many cases for me. I use it with the -command switches throughout my scripts: ====== proc callback {args} {tailcall namespace code $args} namespace eval foo { proc myProc var {puts $var} proc myCall {} { after 5000 [callback myProc $::myVar] } } set myVar "Cool!" foo::myCall ====== ** Emulating `tailcall` ** [Lars H] 2010-05-09: As of late, when writing an `[uplevel]`, I've sometimes found myself thinking "That would be slicker with `[tailcall]`, but I can't rely on 8.6 features in this project". Today it occurred to me that one can however use a `[proc]` to emulate the properties of `tailcall` that would be needed in these cases, and thus provide a route for forward compatibility. The main situation I've encountered is that of delegating to another command which may make use of `[upvar]` or `[uplevel]`. That's basically taken care of by ====== proc utailcall args {uplevel 2 $args} ====== although it's safer to make it ====== proc utailcall args {return -code return [uplevel 2 $args]} ====== in case the "terminate proc early" aspect of `tailcall` is relied upon; this is easy to do without thinking much about it. Another aspect of `tailcall` is the name resolution of the called command. This can be done as follows ====== proc ntailcall {cmd args} { return -code return [ [uplevel 1 [list ::namespace which $cmd]] {*}$args ] } ====== but it's almost as easy to do both at the same time ====== proc untailcall {cmd args} { return -code return [ uplevel 2 [list [uplevel 1 [list ::namespace which $cmd]]] $args ] } ====== A word of warning here is that this will produce a very confusing error message if the command is undefined, as `[namespace which]` returns an empty string in that case. A third aspect is that of preserving `[return]` levels. ====== proc rtailcall args { catch $args result options dict incr options -level 2 return -options $options $result } ====== This leaves some extra material in the [errorInfo], but one can probably live with that. Combining the "r" and "u" aspects is straightforward, but will leave even more: ====== proc rutailcall args { catch {uplevel 2 $args} result options dict incr options -level 2 return -options $options $result } ====== To complete the set, one might just as well write down the combination of the "r" and "n" aspects ====== proc rntailcall {cmd args} { catch { [uplevel 1 [list ::namespace which $cmd]] {*}$args } result options dict incr options -level 2 return -options $options $result } ====== and of all three ====== proc rnutailcall {cmd args} { catch { uplevel 2 [list [uplevel 1 [list ::namespace which $cmd]]] $args } result options dict incr options -level 2 return -options $options $result } ====== But note: ''all of the above will fail if used for tail recursion'', as soon as the loops get long enough. ** Replacement for `[uplevel]` ** [AMG]: `[uplevel]` has limitations with respect to [bytecode] compilation and interpretation of `[return]`. If `[uplevel]`'s level count is `1`, and if it's the last thing being done in the `[proc]`, these limitations can be avoided by using `[tailcall]` instead. Note that `[uplevel]` takes a script whereas `[tailcall]` takes a command. If you want to pass a script to `[tailcall]`, make it be the sole argument to `[try]`. See [http://wiki.tcl.tk/1507#pagetocc0434a60%|%Possible uplevel deficiencies%|%]. Also see [http://wiki.tcl.tk/1507#pagetocb7539876%|%When to use uplevel] for more on when to use or avoid `[uplevel]`. See [http://wiki.tcl.tk/1017#pagetoc74fae1d9%|%eval vs bytecode] for discussion and performance numbers regarding [bytecode] compilation with `[eval]`, `[uplevel]`, `[try]`, and others. ** When to apply `tailcall` optimization ** [HaO] 2012-12-14: Is it a good idea to replace any code: ====== proc proc1 {arg1 arg2} { # do something here which finds arg3 and arg4 return [proc2 $arg3 $arg4] } ====== by ====== proc proc1 {arg1 arg2} { # do something here which finds arg3 and arg4 tailcall proc2 $arg3 $arg4 } ====== If proc2 is for sure found in the caller namespace? Is this an intelligent optimization? I came to this idea, as the TI C compiler calls this "tailcall optimization". [AMG]: Yes, except in a highly unlikely situation where `proc2` needs `proc1` to be visible in the stack. Procedures really ought not to care who called them, but Tcl makes all sorts of things possible, including stupid things. ** Misc ** [NEM]: Many thanks to [MS] for his hard work making this a reality! <> Command | Concept | Control structure | Functional Programming