Version 9 of tablelist vs mclistbox

Updated 2005-03-20 21:50:57 by cl

The main difference between the two widgets is that mclistbox uses core Tk listbox widgets, while the body of a tablelist widget is based on a text widget. This is also the reason for some of the limitations of mclistbox: no support for right-aligned or centered columns, and no image support in the cells. While Bryan Oakley's work is an excellent one, IMHO a multi-column listbox should support individual column alignment, sorting, the ability to mix text with images, and various methods aimed to improve the appearance and readability of the items. This was why I (Csaba Nemethi) decided to write another multi-column listbox.

The following table shows the main differences between the two widgets:

 Feature                         mclistbox       tablelist
 ------------------------------- --------------- -------------------
 column alignment                left            left, right, center
 image support                   in labels       in labels and cells
 mixing text & images            no              in labels and cells
 built-in sort command           no              yes
 arrow showing sort order        no              yes
 columns to be streched          just one        arbitrary
 listvariable                    no              yes
 level for indiv. colors & font  column          column, row, cell
 level for indiv. borderwidth    column          none
 level for indiv. relief         column          none
 support for horizontal stripes  no              yes
 programmatic editing            no              in rows and cells
 selection callback              built-in        with the aid of Wcb
 activate callback               no              with the aid of Wcb
 documentation                   reference       tutorial, reference

See also Wcb.

See also the clt comparisons by Damon Courtney [L1 ] and Roy Terry [L2 ] of Tablelist and TkTable.

Category GUI Category Widget