'''string trim''' ''string ?chars?'' Returns a value equal to ''string'' except that any leading or trailing characters from the set given by ''chars'' are removed. I f ''chars'' is not specified then white space is removed (spaces, tabs, newlines, and carriage returns). ---- The trimleft will remove the pathname from the beginning of the string and trimright will remove the extension. Remember that this command will not save to a variable, therefore you must set the same or another variable: % set foo ../returned../ ../returned../ % string trim $foo ./ returned % set foo ../returned../ % set foo [string trim $foo ./] returned % set foo returned [MG] While you can use it for filenames, the [file] command is designed specifically for working with filenames and paths. A more general use is to remove leading/trailing white space from a string, something like... (Griffiths) 9 % set foo { > this is a test string } this is a test string (Griffiths) 10 % string trim $foo this is a test string ---- See also: * [string] * [string trimleft] * [string trimright] ---- [Tcl syntax help] - [Category Command] - [Category String Processing]