Version 1 of stdin

Updated 2003-01-14 03:38:41

a part of stdio, this file is opened by default for each application making use of the stdio package of code.

This input file may correspond to a disk file, pipe, terminal device, or other construct.

To refer to the stdin filehandle in Tcl, use the string stdin when using gets .

An example of reassinging stdin and providing a prompt and capturing user input for tclsh.

 # by Mike Tuxford
 # the handler for stdin
 proc localHandler {} {
   # get the data from stdin
   gets stdin data
   # client will exit if you type "exit". How original!
   if {$data == "exit"} {
   } else {
     # process your data here, or pass it to another proc
     # or pass it to a local/remote server

     # return a new pseudo-prompt
     puts -nonewline stdout \
       "[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M:%S"] Tcl> "
     flush stdout
 # assign our event handler for stdin
 fileevent stdin readable localHandler
 # send a startup message and initial prompt
 puts -nonewline stdout \
   "Tcl pseudo-prompt activated... \
   \n[clock format [clock seconds] -format "%H:%M:%S"] Tcl> "
 flush stdout
 # enter the tcl event loop
 vwait __forever__

Mike Tuxford