[Rolf Ade], [Richard Suchenwirth] 2002-08-16 - starDOM is going to be [a little XML browser] packaged as a [Starkit]. Though compact in code, it is quite powerful because it stands on the shoulders of several giants: * [tDOM] is the leanest, fastest DOM engine in the (open) market * [BWidget] supplies a strong Tree widget here * and of course [Tcl]/[Tk] lay great groundwork for all... [WikiDbImage stardom042.jpg] Here is version 0.42 for public code review and discussion, which features cyclic searching in various modes (case-sensitive full text; case-insensitive full-text; [regexp]; or [XPath]). Search term goes into the upper entry; starts the search. With the (...) button you get a file selector for opening. Enjoy, comment, improve! Last changes: * Now uses BWidget icons and DynamicHelp balloons * New button "text" to view document source. Brings up a new toplevel with editable text widget. parses text contents in the tree window - a good way to experiment with XML well-formedness (adding this feature to this "XML playstation" took a single line of code ;-) * New button "New" brings up an empty editable text as above * New button "Save" turns this into a crude XML editor - edit the source, parse for well-formedness, then save (pretty-printed, because the "$root asXML" output is written to disk ;-) * Uses BWidget combo enhancements from [Enhancing BWidget] * "Find" entry now with history (pop-up or / * "Mode" changed from radiobuttons to chooser combo. Added "eval" mode for direct input of Tcl commands - first 70 chars of result go to Info label, the whole output to stdout * Generally added ".../all" search modes, to highlight all matches at once. But that may take its time.. * - New "style" chooser: regular, -simple, -html (see tDOM docu) * comments are marked with and greyed out * Clicking on a node selects it and displays XPath name, number of children, text length in Info label ---- package require Tk package require BWidget package require tdom namespace eval ComboBox {#needed to extend BWidget functionality} proc ComboBox::enable {w what args} { switch -- $what { history { $w configure -values {{}} ;# always keep a blank on top foreach evt { } { $w bind $evt {+ ComboBox::_add %W [%W cget -text]} } } chooser { set values [$w cget -values] set width 0 foreach i $values { set sl [string length $i] if {$sl > $width} {set width $sl} } set bg [[label .dummy] cget -bg] destroy .dummy $w setvalue first $w configure -width [expr {$width+1}] $w configure -editable 0 -relief flat -entrybg $bg } } if {$args != ""} {eval [list $w configure] $args} } proc ComboBox::_add {w item} { set w [winfo parent $w] ;# binding comes from entry set values [$w cget -values] if {[lsearch -exact $values $item] < 0} { $w configure -values [linsert $values 1 $item] } } namespace eval starDOM { set version 0.42 set about " starDOM $version A little XML browser - now equipped with a rather long description string to try out the popup feature Tk [package require Tk] BWidget [package require BWidget] tdom [package require tdom] Rolf Ade Richard Suchenwirth " } #------------------------------------------ PROCEDURE DIVISION. proc starDOM::attName att { if {[llength $att] != 3} {return $att} if {[lindex $att 2] == {}} { set attName "xmlns" if {[lindex $att 1] != {}} { append attName : [lindex $att 1] } return $attName } else { return [lindex $att 1]:[lindex $att 0] } } proc starDOM::Eval {query} { variable info catch {uplevel #0 $query} res ;# execute any Tcl command puts "% $query\n$res" if {[string length $res]>70} {set res [string range $res 0 69]...} set info $res } proc starDOM::insertNode {w parent node} { set drawcross "auto" set fill "black" switch [$node nodeType] { "ELEMENT_NODE" { set text "<[$node nodeName]" foreach att [$node attributes] { if {[llength $att] == 3} { #(1).. if {[lindex $att 2] == {}} { set attName "xmlns" if {[lindex $att 1] != {}} { append attName ":[lindex $att 1]" } } else { set attName "[lindex $att 1]:[lindex $att 0]" } } else { set attName $att } ;#..(1) append text " $attName=\"[$node getAttribute $attName]\"" } append text ">" if {[$node hasChildNodes]} { set children [$node childNodes] if {[llength $children]==1 && [$children nodeName]=="#text"} { append text [string map {\n " "} [$children nodeValue]] } else { set drawcross "allways" ;# bad English, wanted by BWidget } } } "TEXT_NODE" { set text [string map {\n " "} [$node nodeValue]] } "COMMENT_NODE" { set text "" set fill "grey50" } "PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE" { set text "" set fill "grey50" } } $w insert end $parent $node -text $text -fill $fill -drawcross $drawcross } proc starDOM::nodeInfo {w node {prefix ""}} { variable info if {[info command $node]==""} return set info "$prefix$node: [$node toXPath]" append info " - [llength [$node childNodes]] child(ren)" catch {append info " - [string length [$node text]] text chars"} } proc starDOM::nodeText {w node} { set text [$w itemcget n:$node -text] set w2 .[clock clicks] toplevel $w2 wm title $w2 $node pack [text $w2.0 -width 50 -height 20 -wrap word -bg lightyellow] $w2.0 insert end $text } proc starDOM::openCross {w {node ""}} { if {$node == ""} {set node [$w selection get]} if {[$w itemcget $node -drawcross] == "allways"} { foreach child [$node childNodes] { insertNode $w $node $child } $w itemconfigure $node -drawcross "auto" } } proc starDOM::openFile {w {filename ""}} { variable info if {$filename == ""} { set filename [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes { {{XML file} *.xml} {{HTML file} *.html} {{All files} *.*}}] } if {$filename != ""} { cd [file dir $filename] ;# so later opens will start here wm title . "$filename - starDOM" starDOM::showTree $w $filename set info "Loaded $filename - [file size $filename] bytes" } } proc starDOM::save {{filename ""}} { variable root; variable info if {$filename == ""} {set filename [lindex [wm title .] 0]} set filename [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes { {{XML file} *.xml} {{HTML file} *.html} {{All files} *.*} } -initialfile $filename -defaultextension .xml] if {$filename != ""} { set fp [open $filename w] $root asXML -channel $fp close $fp wm title . "$filename - starDOM" set info "Saved $filename - [file size $filename] bytes" } } proc starDOM::search {w} { variable mode; variable query; variable info; variable changed; variable next; variable root variable nodes if {$changed} { switch -- $mode { case - case/all - XPath - XPath/all { set q [expr {$mode=="case" || $mode == "case/all" ? "descendant-or-self::text()\[contains(.,'$query')\]" : $query}] set t [time {set nodes [$root selectNodes $q]}] } nocase - nocase/all - regexp - regexp/all { set nodes {} if {$mode == "nocase" || $mode == "nocase/all"} { set s [string tolower $query] set cond {[string first $s [string tolo [$n nodeValue]]]>=0} } else { set cond {[regexp $query [$n nodeValue]]} } foreach n [$root selectNodes //text()] { if $cond {lappend nodes $n} } } eval {return [Eval $query]} } set changed 0 set next [expr {[string first /all $mode] >= 0 ? -1: 0}] } if {[llength $nodes]} { showNode $w } else {set info "Not found."} } proc starDOM::showNode w { variable next; variable hilited; variable info; variable nodes foreach hinode $hilited {$w itemconfigure $hinode -fill black} set hilited {} set nrOfNodes [llength $nodes] if {$next == -1} { set nr 0; set nrmax [expr {$nrOfNodes - 1}] } else { set nr $next; set nrmax $next nodeInfo $w [lindex $nodes $nr] "[expr {$nr+1}]/$nrOfNodes - " if {($nr + 1) == $nrOfNodes} { set next 0 } else { incr next } } while {$nr <= $nrmax} { set node [lindex $nodes $nr] if {$node==""} break foreach ancestor [$node selectNodes ancestor::*] { openCross $w $ancestor $w itemconfigure $ancestor -open 1 } set parent [$node parentNode] set sibs [$parent childNodes] if {[llength $sibs]==1 && [$sibs nodeName]=="#text"} { set node $parent } $w itemconfigure $node -fill blue if {$next > -1} {$w see $node} lappend hilited $node incr nr } } proc starDOM::showTree {w string {isText 0}} { variable hilited {} root variable style raise [winfo toplevel $w] if {$root != ""} { [$root ownerDocument] delete set root "" ;# in case later parsing fails } $w delete [$w nodes root] $w selection clear if {!$isText && $style == ""} { set fd [tDOM::xmlOpenFile $string] set doc [eval dom parse $style -channel $fd] close $fd } else { if {!$isText} { set fd [open $string] set string [read $fd] close $fd } set doc [eval dom parse $style [list $string]] } set root [$doc documentElement] insertNode $w root $root openCross $w $root ;# Show children of root right after startup $w itemconfigure $root -open 1 } proc starDOM::viewSource {{fn ""}} { variable root if {$fn == ""} {set fn [lindex [wm title .] 0]} catch {destroy .vs} toplevel .vs wm title .vs "$fn - source" bind .vs {starDOM::showTree .t [.vs.t get 1.0 end] 1} text .vs.t -wrap word -yscrollcommand ".vs.y set" scrollbar .vs.y -ori vert -command ".vs.t yview" pack .vs.y -side right -fill y pack .vs.t -fill both -expand 1 if {[file exists $fn]} { set fp [open $fn] .vs.t insert 1.0 [read $fp] close $fp } elseif {$fn != "Untitled"} {.vs.t insert 1.0 [$root asXML]} if {0} { if {[.t selection get] != ""} { set node [.t selection get] set toPath [$node toXPath] dom setStoreLineColumn 1 set tmpdoc [dom parse [.vs.t get 1.0 end]] dom setStoreLineColumn 0 $tmpdoc documentElement tmproot set tmpnode [$tmproot selectNodes $toPath] set line [$tmpnode getLine] set col [$tmpnode getColumn] $tmpdoc delete focus .vs.t .vs.t mark set insert $line.$col .vs.t see $line.$col } } } proc starDOM::UI {} { variable changed 0 mode "case" query "" info "" root "" style "" interp alias {} help {} DynamicHelp::register foreach i {file new open save} { set im($i) [image create photo \ -file [file join $::BWIDGET::LIBRARY images $i.gif]] } frame .f Button .f.new -image $im(new) -command {starDOM::viewSource Untitled} \ -width 16 help .f.new balloon "Create new XML document to parse" Button .f.open -image $im(open) -command {starDOM::openFile .t} help .f.open balloon "Open existing XML file" Button .f.view -image $im(file) -width 16 -command starDOM::viewSource help .f.view balloon "View document source to reparse after editing" Button .f.save -image $im(save) -command starDOM::save help .f.save balloon "Save current document to file" ComboBox .f.e -width 25 -textvariable starDOM::query .f.e enable history .f.e bind {set starDOM::changed 1} .f.e bind {+ starDOM::search .t} help .f.e balloon "Enter search text/expression here. Hit to search (or eval). History: see pop-up, or use /" ComboBox .f.m -values { case case/all nocase nocase/all regexp regexp/all XPath XPath/all eval } -textvariable starDOM::mode .f.m enable chooser -relief ridge help .f.m balloon "Search mode (full text, except XPath) case:\tcase-sensitive nocase:\tcase-insensitive (A=a) regexp:\tregular expression XPath:\tDon't know? Don't bother! */all:\tthe same, all at once eval:\texecute Tcl command (to stdout)" ComboBox .f.style -values {{} -html -simple} \ -textvariable starDOM::style .f.style enable chooser -relief ridge help .f.style balloon "Parsing style: (blank): regular = strict -html: tolerant for bad HTML -simple: fast, 7-bit only" eval pack [winfo children .f] -side left -fill y pack .f.e -fill x -expand 1 Tree .t -yscrollcommand ".y set" -xscrollcommand ".x set" -padx 0 \ -opencmd "starDOM::openCross .t" -height 20 bind .t "starDOM::openCross .t;Tree::_keynav right .t" .t bindText <1> {.t selection set} .t bindText <1> {+ starDOM::nodeInfo %W} .t bindText {starDOM::nodeText %W} scrollbar .x -ori hori -command ".t xview" scrollbar .y -ori vert -command ".t yview" Label .info -textvariable starDOM::info -anchor w -pady 0 help .info balloon "Short info display 3/5: 3rd of 5 instances highlighted Click on a node for its XPath and #children" grid .f - -sticky ew grid .t .y -sticky news grid .x -sticky news grid .info - -sticky ew grid rowconfig . 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfig . 0 -weight 1 if {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="windows"} { catch {bind .t.c { %W yview scroll [expr {int(pow(%D/-120,3))}] units }} catch {focus .t.c} } } #---------------------------------------------------- "main" starDOM::UI set starDOM::info "Welcome to starDOM $starDOM::version!" if {[llength $argv] && [file exists [lindex $argv 0]]} { starDOM::showTree .t [lindex $argv 0] } else { starDOM::showTree .t $starDOM::about 1 } bind . {console show} bind . {exec wish $argv0 &; exit} trace variable starDOM::mode w {set starDOM::changed 1 ;#} ---- [Alex Caldwell] 10/12/2002 This is really nice. I'm going to use it in medical application for a drug database in XML. I added some buttons to the toolbar so I can apply XSL stylesheets using tDOM's xslt command. I then added a button that renders the output from that into a Tkhtml widget. I added some buttons to a frame on the right side of the source view that correspond to the the structure of the XML model for my drug database. This allows entering an XML outline for a new drug rapidly and adding more tags with their data easily. Thanks for all the work. Here's a link to a small package I put together with the modified starDOM.tcl, a few XML drug files and a few early XSL style sheets I'm using. The changes require Tkhtml and IncrTcl to work. http://tkfp.sourceforge.net/starDOM.tar.gz ---- 2002-11-05: (1) [RS] added [Rolf Ade]'s fix for "xmlns" attribute name ---- [Steve Ball]: I wrote a similar megawidget for waX Me Lyrical quite some time ago. It's now available as "domtree" in the TclDOM example directory. See also "domtext" for displaying in a Text widget. ---- 2003-7-6: [Gary Feng]: It looks like 2 lines in starDOM::showTree should be switched, else it will give a strange error message. It seems it try to find the currently selected node, which has already been deleted. Clearing selection first works for me. proc starDOM::showTree {w string {isText 0}} { variable hilited {} root variable style raise [winfo toplevel $w] if {$root != ""} { [$root ownerDocument] delete set root "" ;# in case later parsing fails } $w selection clear $w delete [$w nodes root] ---- [AM] I derived another version of this little tool that allows me a more structured editing of the attributes. It also has proper menus besides the toolbar. Not completely finished, but you can find it here: [Another version of the starDOM XML editor] ---- !!!!!! [[ [A little XML parser] | [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] ]] %| [Category XML] |% !!!!!! ---- [JET] This looks very good. Is it time yet to make it a starkit and add it to the list of downloadable starkits?