I tried to find a way to simulate inheritance in snit. I've found a way using snit macros Does anybody have more ideas on this ? The drawback is we could not add extra specific code in typeconstructor of Kangaroo Type (typeconstructor is already defined in ::Animal_inherit_macro !) ... This is a short example : package require snit proc snitDefineInheritMacro {snitType} { set component [string tolower $snitType]_component uplevel " snit::macro ::${snitType}_inherit_macro \{\} \{ typevariable ${snitType}_install_component component ${component} -inherit true delegate option * to ${component} delegate method * to ${component} typeconstructor \{ set ${snitType}_install_component \{install ${component} using $snitType %AUTO%\} \} destructor \{ catch \{${component} destroy\} \} \} " } proc snitCheckMandatoryOptions {args mandatoryOptions} { array set A $args foreach op $mandatoryOptions { if {![info exists A($op)]} { error "Mandatory option $op" } } } ::snit::type Animal { option -name option -species option -weigth "undefined" option -life_time "undefined" constructor {args} { $self configurelist $args } typemethod get:mandatoryOptions {} { return "-species -name" } method get:info {} { puts "I'm a $options(-species). My name is $options(-name)" } } # Define snit macro for Types that will "inherit" from Animal snitDefineInheritMacro Animal #Kangaroo "inherit" from Animal #In fact , kangaroo objects have a Animal component #witch is use to delagate all Animal options/methods to ... ::snit::type Kangaroo { option -jump_length #Call macro generated by : 'snitDefineInheritMacro Animal' line ::Animal_inherit_macro constructor {args} { #install Animal component : $animal_component eval $Animal_install_component $self configurelist $args #Control mandatory options snitCheckMandatoryOptions $args [concat [Animal get:mandatoryOptions] \ [list -jump_length]] } method get:info {} { puts "[$animal_component get:info] I'm jumping $options(-jump_length) feets !" } } Now we can build jumpy kangoo object : %>Kangaroo %AUTO% -jump_length 100 -name "jumpy kangoo" -species "mammiferes" ::Kangaroo1 %> ::Kangaroo1 cget -species mammiferes %>::Kangaroo1 cget -jump_length 100 %>::Kangaroo1 get:info I'm a mammiferes. My name is jumpy kangoo I'm jumping 100 feets ! ---- Is there a SNIT guru to confront this to what is explain in snitfaq overview? [http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/doc/snitfaq.html#SECTid81a6580]: ''Note that you can achieve the effect of inheritance using COMPONENTS and DELEGATION--and you can inherit from anything that looks like a Tcl object.'' I mean: Can a SNIT guru give us the code to achieve the effect of inheritance as explain in snitfaq using same example of this kangaroo? ---- [[Category Snit] | [Category Object Orientation]]