I am Sérgio Loureiro, the sergiol from tkchat and freenode's tcl channel. Interests: * To add [UDP] [socket]s to the core. i am beginning my experimentations for that; * To create a windowframe widget for MDI interfaces; * To collaborate with danielk1977 for adding [javascript] to [tkhtml] control; * To make the [radiobutton]s have a selectbackgroundcolor in optionadd command; * Girls :P ... and so many more. I started the wiki page of [slogan] for people to give some suggestions. Page on [Ubuntu]. (2016-12-18) Just did the TASTE keyboard code golf on http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/103033/a-keyboard-so-real-you-can-almost-taste-it/103544#103544 Tried to reduce code size having a over the top ====== lassign ====== for shortening builtin function calls as one-letters, but code became longer! GRRRR... I welcome any person to improve it the live collaboration on http://rextester.com/live/TXXTC91739 and tell it on my answer's comments. <[LAM] 20-12-2016> What about this?: ====== regsub -all {[^\n|]} [set b [string map {|||| ||| $ "BS " % "TAB " & "CAPS " ? "ENTER" * "SHIFT "} [regsub -all {(\S)} "`1234567890-=$\n%QWERTYUIOP\[\]\\\n&ASDFGHJKL;'?\n*ZXCVBNM,./*" {||\1 ||}]]] _ f set h [string map {\\ _ / _ | \ } [set g [string map {||_ |/_ _|| _\\|} [string map {||| \\|/} $f]]]] foreach j {h b f g} { set $j "[split [set $j] \n]" } foreach x $h y $b z $f w $g {puts "$x\n$y\n$z\n$w" } ====== Snippet to print info vars' contents: ====== lmap c [info vars] { if {[array exists $c]} { puts \n\n$c parray $c } else { puts $c:\ [set $c] } } ====== ---- '''[ak] - 2017-05-03 17:02:48''' For curiosity, why `lmap` instead of `foreach` ? Here `lmap` collects ====== [llength [info vars]] ====== empty strings into a list which is then discarded. Because the `puts` and `parray` print to stdout, and havbe an empty string as return value. `foreach` OTOH will collect nothing, saving the bits of memory. <> Person