[Richard Suchenwirth] 2007-12-13 - The verb ''select'' has many facets, a popular one being its use in [SQL]. Here I chose it for a slight abstraction over [tk_chooseDirectory] and [tk_getOpenFile], mostly to escape from "quoting hell". It starts from the directory that the associated variable contains, and does not change the variable if canceled. proc select {what _var} { upvar #0 $_var var set res "" switch -- $what { dir {set res [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $var]} file {set res [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir [file dir $var]]} default {error "usage: select dir|file"} } if {$res ne ""} {set var $res} } Practical effect: while gaining the initial directory and cancel functionalities, calls like button $f.2 -text ... -command "set $varname \[tk_getOpenFile\]" could be simplified to button $f.2 -text ... -command [list select file $varname] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Example] |% !!!!!!