''(page spawned from [incr])'' ---- [Martin Lemburg]: I love readable code and using ''decr var 1'' is more readable than ''incr var -1'', or am I wrong? [RS] In matters of taste, one self is mostly right, and everything else appears to be wrong;-) I think the philosophy for not introducing a ''decr'' command analog to [incr] was that ''[incr] -'' does the same job, and makes the language smaller. A smaller language may be better readable than a bloated one, because the reader can more easily have full grasp of the language. On the other hand, you extend the language everytime you write a [proc]... The tradeoff between personal requirements (which might lead one to write a ''decr'' proc) and simplicity (which tries to avoid too many extensions to the language, and also has to do with efficiency) has to be part of every design decision. I prefer (of course) shorter code without many extensions. When I started Tcl, I was very proud that I could create language elements like [lassign], to spread a list to scalar variables, but over time I've come to think that foreach {a b c} $list break is readable (if one knows how to read it) and standard Tcl, while lspread $list to a b c (that's how my version looked) requires either reading or "intuiting" the definition of ''lspread'', one costing time, the other possibly misunderstandings, so I don't do such things no more. '''Variable names''': While there is an understanding that variable names should convey some intention, it is still a matter of style whether one prefers set fp [open $fn] ;# to set file_pointer [open $file_name] set filePointer [open $fileName] ;# or any other variant For frequent concepts like file pointers, [RS] prefers short names like ''fp''; rarer concepts are better fully spelled out. ---- Oh, fer crissakes. I coded decr the way I did because I have learned to use a structurally maintainable form; where error handling and output packaging can be bloated at will as necessary. I agree 100% with RS that his form is more better for, say, tcllib. And I think that 'decr foo' is easy for a brain-damaged c++ or java coder to understand, so that's why it's there. I also call the argument 'int' for the same reason that RS calls fp fp. I feel like a shmuck for feeling like I needed to explain myself. ---- [RS]: Oh come on.. we're just discussing... In C, checking and reporting errors is of course necessary. But in Tcl I only add [error] tests and message when I feel I can do it better than Tcl. My "unguarded" variant just runs into [incr]'s errors: can't read "j": no such variable expected integer but got "foo" which I think tell it well enough ;-)