Documentation is at This part of the [struct] (data structures) submodule of [tcllib] provides a prioritized queue. ---- Simple usage example: package require struct 1.3 # create a prioqueue with integer priorities set pq [::struct::prioqueue -integer] # get some random things an put them in the queue for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} { $pq put item$i [expr {int(rand()*500)}] } # Iterate over the queue and output the items in priority order # To process the whole queue in one step better use: # foreach item [$pq get [$pq size]] { ... } while {[$pq size]} { puts stdout [$pq get] } # destroy the queue after use $pq destroy ---- [Ken]: Is there a way to change the priority to only retrieve the smallest number in the queue instead of the largest number [schlenk]: Not by default. If you really need it, its a small code change. [Ken]: Ok its a small code change, but which proc should i edit it? any hints? [RS] Looks like this should be sufficient: set pq [::struct::prioqueue] lset struct::prioqueue::sortdir 0 1 This way you don't edit the Tcllib source yourself, but override the default for -integer. However, this applies globally for all prioqueues from that time on. [Ken]: Cheers ---- [Stacks and queues] also has a prioqueue. ---- [Category Package]; see [struct] - [Tcllib] | [Category Data Structure]