Version 5 of pipe

Updated 2004-09-23 15:23:29 by lwv

pipe ?fileId_var_r ?fileId_var_w

Create a pipe. If fileId_var_r and fileId_var_r are specified, then pipe will set the a variable named fileId_var_r to contain the fileId of the side of the pipe that was opened for reading, and fileId_var_w will contain the fileId of the side of the pipe that was opened for writing.

If the fileId variables are not specified, then a list contain- ing the read and write fileIdw is returned as the result of the command.

There is a proposal tclx file commands for core

[We also could talk about the abstract notion of "pipe", and how it comes up in conversation far more than just its use in reference to this command.]

Can somebody give an example for this? My attempt to use

 package require Tclx
 pipe rpipe wpipe;
 puts $wpipe "test\n";
 read $rpipe

simply leads to a lock up. Any help appreciated ;)

Category Command for TclX package.