Version 17 of paned window

Updated 2005-02-14 10:01:57

This page describe what a paned window is, and where to find implementations.

A paned window is a widget consisting of two windows with a bar down the middle, where the bar has a handle for resizing the two windows.

Tcl/Tk 8.4 has a panedwindow, and a spinbox as well as a labelframe. The panedwindow was the result of TIP 41 [L1 ] which proposed a built-in PanedWindow.

Ro: I always find that I need some examples to get started with a widget. So here is a simple example that should get you started with the panedwindow from Tk 8.4 (be sure to check out the man page [L2 ] for details)

  package require Tk 8.4
  panedwindow .pw -orient vertical
  label .pw.x1 -text Bapy -fg orange -bg black
  label .pw.x2 -text Mojo -fg white  -bg red
  .pw add .pw.x1 -minsize 200
  .pw add .pw.x2 -minsize 100
  pack .pw -fill both -expand yes

Maximize the window to see how you can alter the sizes of the panes, while respecting the minsize that was chosen by the config option -minsize .

The widgets that you add to the panedwindow MUST be children of the panedwindow, in this case they must be .pw.something .

On windows, mouse-button-1 resizes the panes once you let go of the sash, whereas mouse-button-2 resizes the panes as you move the sash.

If you're looking for a good Tcl/Tk 8.4 implementation, be sure to check out tclkit and starkit.

BWidgets [L3 ] has a PanedWindow.

ClassyTk [L4 ] has a Paned widget.

obTcl [L5 ] has a paged window widget.

Jeffrey Hobbs' widget package [L6 ] includes a pure-Tcl geometry-manager-like-thing that serves as a paned window.

Iwidgets [L7 ] (based on itk) includes a panedwindow.

Tix [L8 ] has a paned window.

[Does Perl/Tk have a Pane widget?] VK: Perl/Tk has Tk::Adjuster, which, according to docs, Allow size of packed widgets to be adjusted by user. Strangely, it has Tix mixed in, but PanedWin from Tix was not used, for some reason it has its own... Some kind of implementation details.

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