Purpose: Package for parsing [command options]. Does this have a manpage? [LV] It does not appear to have a man page. In fact, I have seen references on other wiki pages to this package being deprecated. I'm uncertain what is considered a successor to this package. '''[DGP]''' The usual successor mentioned is the [cmdline] package. ---- ====== % package require opt 0.4.5 % OptProc OptParseTest { {subcommand -choice {save print} "sub command"} {arg1 3 "some number"} {-aflag} {-intflag 7} {-weirdflag "help string"} {-noStatics "Not ok to load static packages"} {-nestedloading1 true "OK to load into nested slaves"} {-nestedloading2 -boolean true "OK to load into nested slaves"} {-libsOK -choice {Tk SybTcl} "List of packages that can be loaded"} {-precision -int 12 "Number of digits of precision"} {-intval 7 "An integer"} {-scale -float 1.0 "Scale factor"} {-zoom 1.0 "Zoom factor"} {-arbitrary foobar "Arbitrary string"} {-random -string 12 "Random string"} {-listval -list {} "List value"} {-blahflag -blah abc "Funny type"} {arg2 -boolean "a boolean"} {arg3 -choice "ch1 ch2"} {?optarg? -list {} "optional argument"} } { foreach v [info locals] { puts stderr [format "%14s : %s" $v [set $v]] } } OptParseTest % OptParseTest save -4 -pr 23 -libsok SybTcl -nostatics false ch1 args : save -4 -pr 23 -libsok SybTcl -nostatics false ch1 Args : subcommand arg1 -noStatics -libsOK -precision arg2 arg3 scale : 1.0 blahflag : abc subcommand : save aflag : 0 precision : 23 optarg : weirdflag : 0 arbitrary : foobar noStatics : 1 random : 12 nestedloading1 : 1 arg1 : -4 nestedloading2 : 1 arg2 : 0 libsOK : SybTcl arg3 : ch1 zoom : 1.0 intflag : 7 intval : 7 listval : ====== ---- Some remarks: * `Args`: containes all specified items in the case specified by the definition. * `-Flag`: Parameters starting with dash "`-`" are flags. They might be specified by the user. The flag names are case insensitive. Use `Args` to check, if a flag was specified. ---- Back to [Official library of extensions]. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Argument Processing] | [Category Package] |% !!!!!!