A Unix command that launches a program/process with a given priority in relation to other programs/processes. The idea is to make that program/process run slower than it usually does so as to use less CPU power and leave a more usable portion of it to other programs/processes that might be running at the same time. Now [LES] wonders if it's possible to do that with Tcl scripts in a cross-platform way. From May 18 to this day of September, [LES] still wonders if it's possible to force a Tcl application to run slower and use less CPU in a cross-platform way... [AM] (17 september 2004) Well, I just checked how this is to be done on Windows: start /low tclsh.exe myprog.tcl would put the process in the "idle" priority class (this is from the help information on ''start'' - do not ask me why there is no match between the keyword and the class name ;)) So, at start-up time it is quite possible: just define a small script that will start a new Tcl shell with the correct nice value from the start ... If you want to do this dynamically, I suppose you could redefine the proc command to function as a small wrapper: proc proc {arglist body} { after $::timetowait eval $body } or something like that ... ---- [[Category TBD - to be determined]]