Version 1 of multipart/x-mixed-replace

Updated 2021-08-24 08:45:25 by dbohdan

multipart/x-mixed-replace is an HTTP header. Your server can use it to push dynamic updates to the web browser. It works by telling the browser to keep the connection open and replace the web page or piece of media it is displaying with another when it receives a special token. The header is old and widely supported. It works in legacy browsers, even Netscape 1.1 .

This page shows an implementation of a multipart/x-mixed-replace HTTP server in plain Tcl.


#! /usr/bin/env tclsh
# An example of how to serve dynamic web content with
# multipart/x-mixed-replace.
# Copyright (c) 2021 D. Bohdan.  License: MIT.

package require Tcl 8.6-10

set image [join {
} {}]

proc main {} {
    set server [socket -server serve 8080]

    vwait ::done
    close $server

proc serve {conn clientAddr clientPort} {
    fconfigure $conn -buffering none -translation binary

    set boundary boundary-[expr rand()]
    send [mp-header $boundary]
    send --$boundary

    send "Content-type: text/plain\r\n"
    send {Hello,       text       }
    send --$boundary
    after 1000

    send "Content-type: text/plain\r\n"
    send {       plain      world!}
    send --$boundary
    after 1000

    send "Content-type: image/png\r\n"
    set imageBin [binary decode base64 [string range $::image 22 end]]
    send $imageBin false
    send --$boundary
    after 1000

    set s {Hello, the <i>wonderful</i> world of HTML!}
    set len [llength $s]
    for {set i -1} {$i <= $len} {incr i} {
        send "Content-type: text/html\r\n"
        send "<!doctype html><h1>[lrange $s 0 $i]</h1>"
        send [expr {
            $i == $len
            ? "<img src=\"$::image\">--$boundary--"
            : "--$boundary"
        after 300

    set ::done true

proc send {data {nl true}} {
    upvar 1 conn conn

    puts -nonewline $conn $data
    if {$nl} {
        puts -nonewline $conn \r\n

proc mp-header boundary {
    append h "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
    append h "Content-type:\
    append h \r\n


See also