**a mini MuPdf viewer** [ABU] 17-dec-2016 A Pdf viewer built using [tclMuPdf]. Here is a screenshot from MacOS [miniMu-sample1] ====== package require mupdf # just a bare GUI - a label containing an image "imagePage" image create photo imagePage label .page -image imagePage -padx 5 -pady 5 pack .page -expand 1 -fill both label .info -text "Press Up / Down keys" -relief groove pack .info -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 bind .page {showPage $pdf [prevPage]} bind .page {showPage $pdf [nextPage]} proc showPage {pdf n} { set page [$pdf getpage $n] imagePage blank ;# just in case the new page is smaller than previous $page saveImage imagePage -zoom 0.5 } proc nextPage {} { global gApp if { $gApp(currpage) < $gApp(lastpage) } { incr gApp(currpage) } return $gApp(currpage) } proc prevPage {} { global gApp if { $gApp(currpage) > 0 } { incr gApp(currpage) -1 } return $gApp(currpage) } # --- set pdfFileName [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes {{Pdf .pdf}} \ -message "Choose a Pdf .."] set pdf [mupdf::open $pdfFileName] set gApp(currpage) 0 set gApp(lastpage) [expr [$pdf npages]-1] showPage $pdf 0 focus .page ====== Enter page contents here, upload content using the button above, or click cancel to leave it empty. <>Pdf