What is the GUI, when do you own it, when does it flow as you want, when do you have the features that you are satisfied with as high-tech enough to outshine Win3.1? Even WfW3.11 Well my friends, for each of us it is a different answer, and for myself I have been quite accustomed to the wonderful part of the web browsing experience where I can resize fonts with a Control-MouseWheel, fonts increasing and decreasing instantly giving my system fantastic feedback making me feel at ease and relaxed as my eyes relax as fonts and GUI elements grow large. And then grow small again, or smallify, so that I can see the entirety in its entirety, in a glance. So then, we have [pack], and [grid] (which unfortunately I am not as jazzed about as I probably would be if it didn't have it's own mini-shorthand-language. So many of us have fought with [pack]. Of course they both are very very nice (especially when we compare with other languages/systems) but perhaps we can improve, at least so that we can have widgets many of them on a single toplevel, and we can scroll around, so the widgets are not limited to the size of the containing 'master' frame. In other words, think of a webpage, or 'webapp', where we are used to the idea of scrolling GUI elements. In Tcl/Tk we call this a scrollable frame, and a while back (10 years+) I used to use bwidgets for this. Now I feel comfortable enough to just use the canvas and a few tiny bindings and have the same sort of functionality, with more extensibility. LoL power. There is also something I haven't explored which is using the [text] widget as a container widget, because widgets managed by a [text] widget would then flow. This is the default? Like I said I have no real experience with complex widget layout inside of a [text] widget. Widgets in a [canvas] are great, a few niggles, you have to make sure the managed widgets are a child of the [canvas] so they scroll properly, you have to set the [canvas] bounding box, and you have to give the x,y position to the [canvas] for the widget and its width and height. When the canvas, now our widget container, is resized, we catch that event by binding to , and then update the positions of the managed widgets, as well resetting our bounding box which signals any scrollbars we have on our container canvas to also change shape. ---- im basically mimicking a web browser with css -- not sticking to css, just the idea of flowable layout in a viewport, im used to how the GUI works in a browser, flowable widgets nice and scrollable all around and the ability to increase font sizes for all gui elements with a control-mousewheel using [place] i dont know how to make it scrollable, and i didnt think of using the [text] widget. so im using the [canvas] right now and it seems to work for at least a basic version (font changes work, on master resize the childs resize to fill width, floating layout where widgets get a percentage of the width not implemented) the font changing feels so good, feels flexible ---- <> GUI