What: make Where: various locations http://www.gnu.org/software/make/make.html Description: This command takes files describing relationships between files and describes actions to take to transform files from one format into another when the file's timestamp indicates that such a transformation is needed. One such implementation of this command is the GNU Make, pointed to by the fsf.org link above. Currently, gnu make is at version 3.80 . Updated: 09/2004 Contact: See web site ---- See also [gnu], [MaMa], [Mkdepend], [PADE], [PVM], [tmk], [UltraMake], ... Also of interest as a model is Ruby's Rake [http://rake.rubyforge.org/] project, a [domain-specific language] intended to be a functional substitute for Make. ---- [Tcl]-based contestants: [tclmake], [bras], [smake], [A Little Make Replacement], the [make library], ... ---- [Category Application] [Category Dev. Tools]