The term, ''little language,'' comes from Jon Bentley's column in ''Communications of the ACM'' '''29''':8 (August 1986), pp. 711-721. He points out that much of what we do as programmers can be thought of as creating "little languages" that are suited to particular small tasks. The Tcl language is itself "little:" its formal syntax is described completely in eleven short paragraphs on the ''Tcl'' manual page. Most of its power comes from the fact that it is easy to embed other little languages within it. Obvious examples include: * [[scan]] and [[format]]. * Regular expressions. * The [[switch]] command. * The [[string]] command. * The [[expr]] command. All of these are comparatively small and self-contained, and do not have far-ranging effects on the rest of the Tcl system. In this way, Tcl can be understood in pieces; it's not necessary to know the whole language in order to be able to program in it.