[AMG]: I prefer lcomp version 2, which I have moved to the top of this page. Elsewhere on the wiki, when I talk about [[lcomp]], that's probably the version I'm referring to. ---- **lcomp version 2** [AMG]: Here's a list comprehension I initially developed on [hat0]'s page in response to his musings about building a ''syntax'' for list comprehensions directly into [Tcl]. My intention was to demonstrate that they work fine as a command without special language support. Although, it would be awesome if this was [bytecode]d. :^) Unlike my earlier list comprehension posted at the bottom of the page, this version uses [[[expr]]] to process each generated list element. Also it supports generating more than one output element for each combination of input elements, which is useful for making [dict]s. In addition to alternating and combinatorial iteration, it also supports parallel iteration. It's much more sugary, too--- see the words in '''bold''' in the following table. %|Iteration type|[[[foreach]]] example |[[lcomp]] example |% &|Alternating |`foreach {a b} $list {...}` |`lcomp {...} '''for''' {a b} '''in''' $list` |& &|Combinatorial |`foreach a $list1 {foreach b $list2 {...}}`|`lcomp {...} '''for''' a '''in''' $list1 '''for''' b '''in''' $list2`|& &|Parallel |`foreach a $list1 b $list2 {...}` |`lcomp {...} '''for''' a '''in''' $list1 '''and''' b '''in''' $list2`|& &|Conditional |`foreach a $list {if {cond} {...}}` |`lcomp {...} '''for''' a '''in''' $list '''if''' {cond}` |& &|Unpacking |`foreach _ $list {lassign $_ a b; ...} |`lcomp {...} '''for''' {a b} '''inside''' $list` |& All these different iterations types can be freely intermixed. For example, conditional iteration can be used to skip entire inner loops, not just individual elements. ====== proc lcomp {expression args} { set __0__ "lappend __1__ \[expr [list $expression]\]" while {[llength $args] && [lindex $args 0] ni {for if}} { append __0__ " \[expr [list [lindex $args 0]]\]" set args [lrange $args 1 end] } if {![llength $args]} { error "wrong # args: must have at least one opcode" } set tmpvar 2 while {[llength $args]} { set prefix "" switch -- [lindex $args 0] { for { set nest [list foreach] while {[llength $nest] == 1 || [lindex $args 0] eq "and"} { if {[llength $args] < 4 || [lindex $args 2] ni {in inside}} { error "wrong # operands: must be \"for\" vars \"in?side?\"\ vals ?\"and\" vars \"in?side?\" vals? ?...?" } switch -- [lindex $args 2] { in { lappend nest [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 3] } inside { lappend nest __${tmpvar}__ [lindex $args 3] append prefix "lassign \$__${tmpvar}__ [lindex $args 1]\n" incr tmpvar }} set args [lrange $args 4 end] } } if { if {[llength $args] < 2} { error "wrong # operands: must be \"if\" condition" } set nest [list if [lindex $args 1]] set args [lrange $args 2 end] } default { error "bad opcode \"[lindex $args 0]\": must be \"for\" or \"if\"" }} lappend structure [list $nest $prefix] } foreach {nest prefix} [concat {*}[lreverse $structure]] { set __0__ [concat $nest [list \n$prefix$__0__]] } unset -nocomplain expression args tmpvar prefix nest structure set __1__ "" eval $__0__ return $__1__ } ====== To demonstrate its usage, I will first rework all the version-1 examples given later on this page. ====== set l {1 2 3 4 5 6} puts "A copy of the list: [lcomp {$i} for i in $l]" puts "Double values from list: [lcomp {$n * 2} for n in $l]" puts "Only even numbers: [lcomp {$i} for i in $l if {$i % 2 == 0}]" proc digits {str} { lcomp {$d} for d in [split $str ""] if {[string is digit $d]} } puts "Just digits from (703)-999-0012= [digits (703)-999-0012]" set names1 {Todd Coram Bob Jones Tim Druid} puts "From ($names1): Last,first = [lcomp {"$l,$f"} for {f l} in $names1]" puts "From ($names1): Only names starting with 't':\ [lcomp {$f} for {f l} in $names1 if {[string match T* $f]}]" puts "Create a matrix pairing {a b c} and {1 2 3}:\ [lcomp {[list $n1 $n2]} for n1 in {a b c} for n2 in {1 2 3}]" lcomp {$x} for x in {0 1 2 3} ;# 0 1 2 3 lcomp {[list $y $x]} for {x y} in {0 1 2 3} ;# {1 0} {3 2} lcomp {$x ** 2} for x in {0 1 2 3} ;# 0 1 4 9 lcomp {$x + $y} for x in {0 1 2 3} for y in {0 1 2 3} ;# 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 lcomp {$x} for x in {0 1 2 3} if {$x % 2 == 0} ;# 0 2 image delete {*}[lcomp {$val} for {key val} in [array get images]] ====== Now I will show off some new features: ====== lcomp {$key} {$val} for key in {a b c} and val in {1 2 3} ;# a 1 b 2 c 3 lcomp {"$key=$val"} for {key val} inside {{a 1} {b 2} {c 3}} ;# a=1 b=2 c=3 ====== Both list comprehensions on this page have the drawback (or feature, depending on your preference) of running in a new stack frame. This means the iteration variables don't collide with existing variables (but also can't be examined afterward). I tried to use [uplevel] to fix this, but that created a new problem: I definitely do ''not'' want the __''N''__ temporary variables to be in the caller's stack frame, especially in the case of nested [[lcomp]] invocation. Since I couldn't figure out a good solution to that problem, I gave up. Ideas, anyone? ---- **lcomp version 1** [AMG] I wasn't quite satisfied with [['''listc''']], [Todd Coram]'s [list comprehension] procedure, so I adapted it into something far worse. Behold! proc lcomp {expression args} { # Check the number of arguments. if {[llength $args] < 2} { error "wrong # args: should be \"lcomp expression var1 list1\ ?... varN listN? ?condition?\"" } # Extract condition from $args, or use default. if {[llength $args] % 2 == 1} { set condition [lindex $args end] set args [lrange $args 0 end-1] } else { set condition 1 } # Collect all var/list pairs and store in reverse order. set varlst [list] foreach {var lst} $args { set varlst [concat [list $var $lst] $varlst] } # Actual command to be executed, repeatedly. set script {lappend result [subst $expression]} # If necessary, make $script conditional. if {$condition ne "1"} { set script [list if $condition $script] } # Apply layers of foreach constructs around $script. foreach {var lst} $varlst { set script [list foreach $var $lst $script] } # Do it! set result [list] {*}$script ;# Change to "eval $script" if using Tcl 8.4 or older. return $result } ---- Mainly I didn't like [['''listc''']]'s method of constructing its '''$foreachs''' variable (which I have named '''$script''' in my code), so I switched it around to be built inside-out rather than left-to-right. I start by putting together the actual command that'll be run by the tangled nest of [[[foreach]]] constructs; then I tack on [['''foreach''']]s and [[[if]]]s with the aid of [[[list]]]. Magically I no longer have to worry about matching braces, thus shortening my code into the sorry heap you see above. Next up, I changed [[[eval]]] to [[[subst]]] and [[[expr]]], since I felt that all '''$expression'''s would use substitution and all '''$condition'''s would be boolean expressions. Especially nice is the ability to use [[...]] substitutions with both [[[subst]]] and [[[expr]]], so the old behavior can be had by wrapping the parameter with [[ and ]]. Lastly (unless I missed something), I dropped the '''<-''' [noise word]. I didn't much care for it, since [[[foreach]]] itself doesn't use it. You can re-add it if you like by changing "% 2" to "% 3" and "< 2" to "< 3" and the first instance of "var lst" to "var <- lst". ---- Examples? I'll start by listing Todd's examples modified to work with [[lcomp]]. set i [list 1 2 3 4 5 6] set l2 [lcomp {$i} i $i] puts "A copy of the list: $l2" set dbl [lcomp {[expr {$n*2}]} n $i] puts "Double values from list: $dbl" set evn [lcomp {$i} i $i {$i%2 == 0}] puts "Only even numbers: $evn" proc digits {str} { set lstr [split $str ""] return [lcomp {$d} d $lstr {[string is digit $d]}] } puts "Just digits from (703)-999-0012= [digits (703)-999-0012]" set names1 [list Todd Coram Bob Jones Tim Druid] set lf [lcomp {$l,$f} {f l} $names1] puts "From ($names1): Last,first = $lf" set l3 [lcomp {$f} {f l} $names1 {[string match "T*" $f]}] puts "From ($names1): Only names starting with 't': $l3" set l4 [lcomp {[list $n1 $n2]} n1 [list a b c] n2 [list 1 2 3]] puts "Create a matrix pairing {a b c} and {1 2 3}: $l4" Here are some more: lcomp {$x} x {0 1 2 3} ;# 0 1 2 3 lcomp {$y $x} {x y} {0 1 2 3} ;# {1 0} {3 2} lcomp {[expr {$x ** 2}]} x {0 1 2 3} ;# 0 1 4 9 lcomp {[expr {$x + $y}]} x {0 1 2 3} y {0 1 2 3} ;# 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 lcomp {$x} x {0 1 2 3} {$x % 2 == 0} ;# 0 2 ---- Practical uses? The following deletes all images named by any elements in the '''images''' array: image delete {*}[lcomp {$val} {key val} [array get images]] I'll come up with more later as I use [['''lcomp''']] more in my own code. ---- [AMG]: It's possible to modify [['''lcomp''']] to use [[[eval]]] to process '''$expression''' rather than [[[subst]]] or [[[expr]]]. [[[subst]]]-like behavior can be had with the [['''K*''']] proc found on [K]. Single-argument [[[list]]] or [[[concat]]] should also work. For instance, lcomp {K* $x} x {0 1 2 3} ;# 0 1 2 3 lcomp {concat $y $x} {x y} {0 1 2 3} ;# {1 0} {3 2} lcomp {expr {$x ** 2}} x {0 1 2 3} ;# 0 1 4 9 lcomp {expr {$x + $y}} x {0 1 2 3} y {0 1 2 3} ;# 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 lcomp {K* $x} x {0 1 2 3} {$x % 2 == 0} ;# 0 2 Update: Instead of [['''K*''']], I suggest using single-argument [[[lindex]]]. See the [[[return] -level 0]] discussion for more information. ---- For the moment at least, there's a bit of list comprehension discussion at the bottom of [[[for]]]. Some day (soon?) those ideas will migrate to this page. <> Command | Concept