'''Lambda''' is the name for the letter "L" in the Greek alphabet. Since Alonzo Church's [Lambda calculus]. It is also the term for anonymous functions. In Tcl (since 8.5?), a lambda is an anonymous [command prefix] whose first word is [apply]. The https://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/doc/trunk/embedded/www/tcllib/files/modules/lambda/lambda.html%|%lambda package in Tcllib%|% provides an appropriate implementation, as follows: ====== proc lambda {arguments body args} { return [list ::apply [list $arguments $body] {*}$args] } proc lambda@ {ns arguments body args} { return [list ::apply [list $arguments $body $ns] {*}$args] } ====== ** See Also ** [Lambda in Tcl]: [lambda in tcl8.5]: [Lambda, Why and How]: [Lightweight Lambda]: [Functions as Values]: [Tip] [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/187.html%|%187], Procedures as Values (rejected): ** Reference ** [http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/5790/AIM-353.pdf%|%Lambda: The Ultimate Imperative], [Guy Steele%|%Guy Lewis Steele Jr.], 1976-03-10: [http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/handle/1721.1/6091/AIM-379.pdf%|%Lambda: the ultimate declarative], [Guy Steele%|%Guy Lewis Steele Jr], 1976-11: [http://goodmath.blogspot.com/2006/05/my-favorite-calculus-lambda-part-1.html%|%My Favorite Calculus: Lambda (part 1)], MarkCC, 2006: [http://goodmath.blogspot.com/2006/05/genius-of-alonzo-church-numbers-in.html%|% The Genius of Alonzo Church: Numbers in Lambda Calculus], MarkCC, 2006-06-15: ** Description ** [Richard Suchenwirth] et al: Consider ======none f(x) = x+1 ====== is not much different from ======none g(x) = x+1 ====== except for the f/g difference, which are both arbitrary names. The common essence of the above functions, ignoring the name, is just ======none (x) = x+1 ====== or in other words, "given x, return x+1". In Tcl, this looks like ======none lambda x {expr {$x+1}} ====== and it's easy to implement - see [Lambda in Tcl] and [Lambda in Tcl8.5]. To have lambdas directly, one change to Tcl would be: * If a command name is a list of length three, with [lambda] as first element, bind its arguments to the second element of the list, and then evaluate the third element in that scope. As long as we don't have this, a simple way is to make up a name for a [proc]: ====== proc lambda {argl body} { set name [info level 0] proc $name $argl $body set name } ====== where the lambda definition is returned as command name. A more [functional programming] way would be, using the [K] combinator: ====== proc lambda {argl body} {K [info level 0] [proc [info level 0] $argl $body]} proc K {a b} {set a} ====== See also [RPN again] for "[half-lambda]s": only the body is the value of a function, arguments are popped from the stack, the result is pushed on the stack. [MS] 2004-04-23: Although not really [functional programming], one might try to do ====== lambda x {set ::y x} ====== But this fails: Tcl tries to create a proc named `y x}` in the namespace `lambda x {set "`, instead of the intended proc. This may be a namespace bug though. ---- It seems like it would be pretty easy for `[unknown]` to do this automatically... [RS]: Yes. Good idea. [Let unknown know]. It would just miss the efficiency of C-coded Tcl, but with today's CPUs, that's less of a problem... 2005-03-29: Here's the unknown code, leading to pure-value lightweight lambdas (see [Block-local variables] for how it came about): ====== proc with {argl body args} { if {[llength $argl] != [llength $args]} {error "wrong #args, must be: $argl"} foreach $argl $args {} eval $body } #-- Augmenting [unknown]: proc know what {proc unknown args $what\n[info body unknown]} know { if {[llength [lindex $args 0]] > 1} { return [uplevel 1 [lindex $args 0] [lrange $args 1 end]]} } ====== ======none #-- Testing (the lambda is just a string that we assign to a variable): % set tail {with x {lrange $x 1 end}} with x {lrange $x 1 end} % $tail {a b c d e} b c d e ====== ---- [RS]: While the term ''lambda'' was coined by Alonzo Church, the concept is older. I found one instance in "Funktion und Begriff", Gottlob Frege (1848-1925), Jena 1891, where he identifies functions by their ''Werteverlauf'' (value extension?), without naming them. Instead, he first puts a Greek vowel with "spiritus lenis" (looking like a superscript comma on top of the letter), and then the function "body" in parens. He then goes to show (translated to modern ASCII, and even (almost) Tcl :) that lambda e {expr $e**2 - 4*$e} == lambda a {expr $a * ($a - 4)} In other words, that the two anonymous functions are identical. To prove this, one would have to iterate over all possible values of e and a (which, even with doubles, is finite, but might take a long time...) [NEM] 2010-07-02: Re-reading Norvig's classic ''[Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming]'' just now, I came across this explanation for the origins of the term "lambda" (§1.7): "Lambda derives from the notation in Russell and Whitehead's ''Principia Mathematica'', which uses a caret over bound variables: x̂(x+x) [[*]]. Church wanted a one-dimensional string, so he moved the caret in front: ^x(x+x). The caret looked funny with nothing below it, so Church switched to the closest thing, an uppercase lambda, Λx(x+x). The Λ was easily confused with other symbols, so eventually the lowercase lambda was substituted: λx(x+x). John McCarthy was a student of Church's at Princeton, so when McCarthy invented [Lisp] in 1958, he adopted the lambda notation. There were no Greek letters on the keypunches of that era, so McCarthy used (lambda (x) (+ x x)), and it has survived to this day." [[*]] There's a ^ over the first x, but your browser might not display it correctly. ---- Since I've done my share of [LISP] programming in the past, the term '''lambda''' is instantly recognizable to me. I'm not convinced it means much to the average programmer, though. Given RS's description at the start of this page `f(x) = x+1` ... in other words, `given x, return x+1` ..., it makes me think that perhaps "given" would make a more readable / recognizable name for a command than "lambda". For example, instead of this: ====== lambda x {expr {$x+1}} ====== ... perhaps the following makes a more readable example, especially when used with an explicit return... ====== given {x} {return [expr {$x + 1}]} ====== Using "given" and an explicit return, I bet even folks who have never heard of "lambda" can understand what is going on. [RS]: I know that not everyone agrees, but when doing [functional programming] an implicit [return] should be no surprise... :^) [LV]: I don't understand the use of the word ''given'' in this situation. coward: ''it is just a more human-friendly form of the word "lambda". It means "make an anonymous proc with the arguments {x} and the body {return ...}'' [LV]: Also, why use `[expr]` instead of `[incr]`? [coward]: ''that is irrelevant to the point I was trying to make; `[incr]` or `[expr]` or `your-favorite-proc` all work equally well'' [RS]: [expr] still works if x is a floating-point number, while [incr] demands an integer. Here's more examples (based on examples from [lambda in tcl8.5]) ====== lsort -command [given {x y} { return [expr {[string length $x] < [string length $y]}]}] $list trace add variable ::foo write [given args {puts "foo = $::foo"}] ====== ---- [glennj]: In [https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.lang.tcl/NKxsvPrLx8I/fRj7YukCth4J%|%labmda... again] ,[comp.lang.tcl] , 2007-10-22, [Neil Madden] wrote in [comp.lang.tcl%|%clt] an excellent summary of the sorts of places lambdas are useful. : For example, did you realise that `[apply]` works nicely with pretty much every command in the Tcl and Tk libraries that takes a callback? ====== # I always recommend using a constructor for lambdas: proc lambda {params body} { list apply [list $params $body] } lsort -command [lambda {a b} { ... }] $xs http::geturl $url -command [lambda tok { ... }] after 1000 [lambda {} { puts Hello! }] socket -server [lambda {sock addr port} { ... }] 8080 trace add variable foo write [lambda {v1 v2 op} { ... }] etc etc ====== <> Concept | Functional Programming | Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming