[Richard Suchenwirth] 2002-02-14 - Lambda is the name for the letter "L" in the Greek alphabet. Since Alonzo Church's "Lambda calculus", it is also the term for anonymous functions. Consider f(x) = x+1 is not much different from g(x) = x+1 except for the f/g difference, which are both arbitrary names. The common essence of the above functions, ignoring the name, is just (x) = x+1 or in other words, "given x, return x+1". In Tcl, this looks like lambda x {expr {$x+1}} and it's easy to implement - see [Lambda in Tcl]. To have lambdas directly, one change to Tcl would be: * If a command name is a list of length three, with [lambda] as first element, bind its arguments to the second element of the list, and then evaluate the third element in that scope. As long as we don't have this, a simple way is to make up a name for a [proc]: proc lambda {argl body} { set name [info level 0] proc $name $argl $body set name } where the lambda definition is returned as command name. A more [functional programming] way would be, using the [K] combinator: proc lambda {argl body} {K [info level 0] [proc [info level 0] $argl $body]} proc K {a b} {set a} See also [RPN again] for "[half-lambda]s": only the body is the value of a function, arguments are popped from the stack, the result is pushed on the stack. [MS] 2004-04-23 Although not really functionalprogramming, one might try to do lambda x {set ::y x} But this fails: Tcl tries to create a proc named "y x}" in the namespace "lambda x {set ", instead of the intended proc. This may be a namespace bug though. ---- It seems like it would be pretty easy for [unknown] to do this automatically... [RS]: Yes. Good idea. [Let unknown know]. It would just miss the efficiency of C-coded Tcl, but with today's CPUs, that's less of a problem... ---- [RS]: While the term ''lambda'' was coined by Alonzo Church, the concept is older. I found one instance in "Funktion und Begriff", Gottlob Frege (1848-1925), Jena 1891, where he identifies functions by their ''Werteverlauf'' (value extension?), without naming them. Instead, he first puts a Greek vowel with "spiritus lenis" (looking like a superscript comma on top of the letter), and then the function "body" in parens. He then goes to show (translated to modern ASCII, and even (almost) Tcl :) that lambda e {expr $e**2 - 4*$e} == lambda a {expr $a * ($a - 4)} In other words, that the two anonymous functions are identical. To prove this, one would have to iterate over all possible values of e and a (which, even with doubles, is finite, but might take a long time...) ---- [SS]: Also check [Functions as Values] and TIP-187 [http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/187.html] that are both highly related to anonymous functions. ---- [Category Concept] | [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] | [Category Functional Programming]