Version 3 of island

Updated 2016-06-17 08:06:29 by EF

The package below helps bringing back some file operation capabilities to Safe Interps. Use it as exemplified below:

package require island
set slave [interp create -safe]
::island::add $slave /one/path/of/your/choice

Then, the code in your safe interpreter slave should be able to perform file operations, but only on the files that are under /one/path/of/your/choice. You can create as many islands as necessary through calling ::island::add several times. All paths are fully normalized before testing for access. The commands that are brought back to the slave are: file, glob, open and fconfigure.

## Module Name     --  island.tcl
## Original Author --  Emmanuel Frecon - [email protected]
## Description:
##      Package to a allow a safe interpreter to access islands of the
##      filesystem only, i.e. restricted directory trees within the
##      filesystem. The package brings back file, open and glob to the slave
##      interpreter, though in a restricted manner.

package require Tcl 8.4

namespace eval ::island {
    namespace eval interps {};   # Will host information for interpreters
    namespace export {[a-z]*};   # Convention: export all lowercase 
    variable version 0.2

# ::island::add -- Add allowed path
#       Add a path to the list of paths that are explicitely allowed for access
#       to a slave interpreter. Access to any path that has not been explicitely
#       allowed will be denied. Paths that are added to the list of allowed
#       islands are always fully normalized.
# Arguments:
#        slave        Identifier of the slave to control
#        path        Path to add to allowed list
# Results:
#       The current list of allowed path
# Side Effects:
#       None.
proc ::island::add { slave path } {
    set vname [namespace current]::interps::[string map {: _} $slave]
    if { ![info exists $vname]} {
        Init $slave
    upvar \#0 $vname paths
    lappend paths [::file dirname [::file normalize $path/___]]

# ::island::reset -- Cleanup
#       Remove all access path allowance and arrange for the interpreter to be
#       able to return to the regular safe state.
# Arguments:
#        slave        Identifier of the slave
# Results:
#       None.
# Side Effects:
#       None.
proc ::island::reset { slave } {
    set vname [namespace current]::interps::[string map {: _} $slave]
    if { [info exists $vname] } {
        $slave alias file {}
        $slave alias open {}
        $slave alias glob {}
        $slave alias fconfigure {}
        unset $vname

## Procedures below are internal to the implementation.

# ::island::Allowed -- Check access restrictions
#       Check that the file name passed as an argument is within the islands of
#       the filesystem that have been registered through the add command for a
#       given (safe) interpreter. The path is fully normalized before testing
#       against the islands, which themselves are fully normalized.
# Arguments:
#        slave        Identifier of the slave under out control
#        fname        (relative) path to the file to test
# Results:
#       1 if access is allowed, 0 otherwise
# Side Effects:
#       None.
proc ::island::Allowed { slave fname } {
    set vname [namespace current]::interps::[string map {: _} $slave]
    upvar \#0 $vname paths

    set abs_fname [::file dirname [::file normalize $fname/___]]
    foreach path $paths {
        if { [string first $path $abs_fname] == 0 } {
            return 1
    return 0

# ::island::File -- Restricted file
#       Parses the options and arguments to the file command to discover which
#       paths it tries to access and only return the results of its execution
#       when these path are within the allowed islands of the filesystem.
# Arguments:
#        slave        Identifier of the slave under our control
#        cmd        Subcommand of the file command.
#        args        Arguments to the file subcommand.
# Results:
#       As of the file command.
# Side Effects:
#       As of the file command.
proc ::island::File { slave cmd args } {
    switch $cmd {
        atime -
        attributes -
        executable -
        exists -
        isdirectory -
        isfile -
        lstat -
        mtime -
        normalize -
        owned -
        readable -
        readlink -
        size -
        stat -
        system -
        type -
        writable {
            set fname [lindex $args 0]
            if { [Allowed $slave $fname] } {
                return [uplevel [linsert $args 0 ::file $cmd]]
                # file is highly restrictive in slaves, so we can't do the following.
                return [uplevel [linsert $args 0 $slave invokehidden ::file $cmd]]
            } else {
                return -code error "Access to $fname denied."
        channels -
        dirname -
        extension -
        join -
        nativename -
        pathtype -
        rootname -
        separator -
        split -
        tail -
        volumes {
            return [uplevel [linsert $args 0 ::file $cmd]]
            # file is highly restrictive in slaves, so we can't do the following.
            return [uplevel [linsert $args 0 $slave invokehidden file $cmd]]
        copy -
        delete -
        rename -
        link {
            set idx [lsearch $args "--"]
            if { $idx >= 0 } {
                set paths [lrange $args [expr {$idx+1}] end]
            } else {
                if { [string index [lindex $args 0] 0] eq "-" } {
                    set paths [lrange $args 1 end]
                } else {
                    set paths $args
            foreach path $paths {
                if { ![Allowed $slave $path] } {
                    return -code error "Access to $path denied."
            return [uplevel [linsert $args 0 ::file $cmd]]
            # file is highly restrictive in slaves, so we can't do the following.
            return [uplevel [linsert $args 0 $slave invokehidden file $cmd]]
        mkdir {
            foreach path $args {
                if { ![Allowed $slave $path] } {
                    return -code error "Access to $path denied."
            return [uplevel [linsert $args 0 ::file $cmd]]
            # file is highly restrictive in slaves, so we can't do the following.
            return [uplevel [linsert $args 0 $slave invokehidden file $cmd]]

# ::island::Open -- Restricted open
#       Parses the options and arguments to the open command to discover which
#       paths it tries to access and only return the results of its execution
#       when these path are within the allowed islands of the filesystem.
# Arguments:
#        slave        Identifier of the slave under our control
#        args        Arguments to the open command.
# Results:
#       As of the open command.
# Side Effects:
#       As of the open command.
proc ::island::Open { slave args } {
    set fname [lindex $args 0]
    if { [string index [string trim $fname] 0] eq "|" } {
        return -code error "Execution of external programs disabled."
    if { [Allowed $slave $fname] } {
        return [uplevel [linsert $args 0 $slave invokehidden open]]
    } else {
        return -code error "Access to $fname denied."

# ::island::Expose -- Expose back a command
#       This procedure allows to callback a command that would typically have
#       been hidden from a slave interpreter. It does not "interp expose" but
#       rather calls the hidden command, so we can easily revert back.
# Arguments:
#        slave        Identifier of the slave under our control
#        cmd        Hidden command to call
#        args        Arguments to the glob command.
# Results:
#       As of the hidden command to call
# Side Effects:
#       As of the hidden command to call
proc ::island::Expose { slave cmd args } {
    return [uplevel [linsert $args 0 $slave invokehidden $cmd]]

# ::island::Glob -- Restricted glob
#       Parses the options and arguments to the glob command to discover which
#       paths it tries to access and only return the results of its execution
#       when these path are within the allowed islands of the filesystem.
# Arguments:
#        slave        Identifier of the slave under our control
#        args        Arguments to the glob command.
# Results:
#       As of the glob command.
# Side Effects:
#       As of the glob command.
proc ::island::Glob { slave args } {
    set noargs [list -join -nocomplain -tails]
    set within ""
    for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $args]} {incr i} {
        set itm [lindex $args $i]
        if { $itm eq "--" } {
            incr i; break
        } elseif { [string index $itm 0] eq "-" } {
            # Segragates between options that take a value and options that
            # have no arguments and are booleans.
            if { [lsearch $noargs $itm] < 0 } {
                incr i;  # Jump over argument
                switch -glob -- $itm {
                    "-dir*" {
                        set within [lindex $args $i]
                        append within /
                    "-path*" {
                        set within [lindex $args $i]
        } else {

    foreach ptn [lrange $args $i end] {
        set path ${within}$ptn
        if { ![Allowed $slave $path] } {
            return -code error "Access to $path denied."

    return [uplevel [linsert $args 0 $slave invokehidden glob]]    

# ::island::Init -- Initialise interp
#       Initialise slave interpreter so that it will be able to perform some
#       file operations, but only within some islands of the filesystem.
# Arguments:
#        slave        Identifier of the slave to control
# Results:
#       None.
# Side Effects:
#       None.
proc ::island::Init { slave } {
    $slave alias file ::island::File $slave
    $slave alias glob ::island::Glob $slave
    # Allow to open some of the files, and since we did, arrange to be able to
    # fconfigure them once opened.
    $slave alias open ::island::Open $slave
    $slave alias fconfigure ::island::Expose $slave fconfigure

package provide island $::island::version