This issue of [dereferencing] seems to come up frequently enough to deserve a page of tips, suggestions, warnings, etc. The basic situation is that a user is trying, either intentionally or accidentally, to do ''pointer'' like design. So they end up discovering they need to do something like: set a "123" set b "3.1415" set c "The price of petrol in Peroria" foreach var {a b c} { puts [set $var] } ---- [TV] It's probably worth a page by itself as a subject. A pointer in C language sense is not the same as a indirect reference. Also, associations are not the same as referencing something by name and that is not the same as a pointer in C, in normal language or in for instance a URL. And a function, as clearly the case in tcl is referenced by name, and can be stored as a list. The simple answer I guess is to use eval: set whichvar b set b 11 eval puts $$whichvar Which leaves a lot of questions about quoting, and preventing the evaluator to perform substitutions (possible through escaping). A pointer in C, which is rarely seriously usefull in large repetition as in ****something, that would refer to datastructures and referencing them which can work for initializing accessing something in a tree when the structure contains the forward reference as first element, is not the same idea. A pointer in a digital signal processor could be pointing in a subspace of memory not made into the comfortable the_whole_memory_is_one_linear_list which also PC hearts eventually got around to (more or less..), which is like in computer design, where something is a pointer when it is used to point into a memory, which is just the same as an integer memory with access to some address bus. Though of course in C one would refer to another variable through a pointer, which in various senses is also a variable: main() { int i; int *pointer; i = 13; pointer = &i *pointer = 14; return *pointer; } In Tcl, we have symbolic behaviour of the tcl interpreter which of course at some level and point are implemented at C level (I think it all it, though I could be mistaking) which makes variable referencing by name in runtime different than the above C level. A nice example is: info var prefix_* which lists all the variables with a certain prefix. I just tried to list some functions associated with blocks on the [bwise] canvas: (Tcl) 101 % foreach var [info var *bfunc] {eval puts \"$var $\{$var\}\"} mapping.bfunc: set mapping.newstate [fsm_state_map ${mapping.oldstate} ${mapping.input} ] ; set mapping.output [fsm_output_map ${mapping.oldstate} ${mapping.input} ] Entry1.bfunc: Proc1.bfunc: set Proc1.out ${} state.bfunc: set state.out ${} Mon1.bfunc: .mw.c.mon1 del 0.0 end ;.mw.c.mon1 insert end "${} \n" ; .mw.c.mon1 see end The messy looking (though I'm used to it) string like construction is for the aforementioned quoting and substitution issue. Variable names are considered to end with a dot (.) so I have to enclose them in braces to make them a list first. ---- [Category Tutorial]