Version 16 of help systems

Updated 2004-07-18 14:09:53 by cl

"A little hypertext system" - with an improved version in htext.



Steve Landers has begun using a Wikit for a hypertext help system. To learn more, start up a copy of a current (empty) wikit and look at its Adding Help to Scripted Documents page.

Keith Vetter's SpiroGraph embeds a "nicely done" (according to David Welton) "simple dialog for help".

See the iwidgets hyperhelp widget: hyperhelp

Some people have "tooltips" in mind as the canonical help model.

TCL Program RamDebugger has a help system based in tkhtml where the help is included as html files in a directory tree. Supports full search.

How to Define Hooks for Context Sensitive Help

Would Notebook be a good basis for a Tk help system?

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