Version 0 of getPid

Updated 2000-04-20 15:13:44

Maps process i.d.'s to program names and program names to process i.d.'s, returning a list of matches. Unix only, but works with all flavors of ps

 proc getPid { { prog "" } } {

      set tmp {}

      set data [ exec ps -c ]
      set data [ split $data "\n" ]
      foreach line $data {
         set pid  [ lindex $line 0   ]
         set name [ lindex $line end ]
         if { [ regexp ^$name $prog ] || [ regexp ^$prog $name ] } {
            lappend tmp $pid
         if { [ regexp ^$pid $prog  ] || [ regexp ^$prog $pid  ] } {
            lappend tmp $name
      set tmp [ lsort -dictionary $tmp ]   
      return $tmp
 } ;## PSE fecit

And a little app that uses it (sort of a generalised zillakilla):

 proc killZem { pids_or_names } {
      foreach item $pids_or_names {
         if { [ regexp {^[0-9]+$} $item pid ] } {
            catch { exec kill -TERM $pid }
            catch { exec kill -KILL $pid }
         } else {
            set pids [ getPid $item ]
            foreach pid $pids {
               if { [ regexp {[0-9]+} $pid ] } {
                  catch { exec kill -TERM $pid }
                  catch { exec kill -KILL $pid }

There's a spiffy CGI script that uses this idea, wrapped up in a form to allow easy selection of pids to kill:

The script that processes the form is the same one that draws it, so click on the "See the Tcl script that create this page" to see the script.