Part of [megapkg] and available from Freetypeext is an extension that generates [megaimage] buffers using [FreeType] from TTF fonts. Other font types may work, but are untested. Antialias alpha blending is provided by using megaimage's blendobj subcommand. License: 3 clause BSD (see the website) Usage (assuming the user runs the install target): $ tclsh8.5 % package require freetypeext 1.0 % freetype wrong # args: should be "freetype font size text RGBA-color widthvar heightvar ?char-width-listvar?" % freetype-measure wrong # args: should be "freetype-measure font size text widthvar heightvar" set buf [freetype /path/to/font.ttf 12 "Hello World" [list $r $g $b $a] width height] ---- [Category Package]