Documentation can be found at ---- Currently the fileutil package contains a find, grep, and cat. Other procs that would be useful to add would include wc, tee, head, tail, and perhaps some awk'ish type functions ala [Tclx]. For more on grep, see "NR-grep: A Fast and Flexible Pattern Matching Tool" []. ---- Perhaps even some code like [Glenn Jackman]'s: proc touch {filename {time ""}} { if {[string length $time] == 0} {set time [clock seconds]} file mtime $filename $time file atime $filename $time } [glennj]: This proc has been accepted into tcllib 1.2: '''US''' Unix-like touch: proc touch {filename {time ""}} { if {![file exists $filename]} { close [open $filename a] } if {[string length $time] == 0} {set time [clock seconds]} file mtime $filename $time file atime $filename $time } ---- What other file-related procs would be useful? ---- 2003-11-28 [VI] Nice of you to ask. There's a list above, other than that: tail -f, split, join. I use [tkcon] as my main shell on a wimpy laptop. Fewer dlls loaded is good.. ---- 2003-12-16 [SS] Trying to improve over the Tcl implementation of wc in the Great Language Shootout I wrote this, that seems half in execution time against big files: set text [read stdin] set c [string length $text] set l [expr {[llength [split $text "\n\r"]]-1}] set T [split $text "\n\r\t "] set w [expr {[llength $T]-[llength [lsearch -all -exact $T {}]]-1}] puts "\t$l\t$w\t$c" Output seems to be identical to GNU's wc command. ---- [SEH] 20060723 -- The proc fileutil::find is useful, but it has several deficiencies: * On Windows, hidden files are mishandled. * On Windows, checks to avoid infinite loops due to nested symbolic links are not done. * On Unix, nested loop checking requires a "file stat" of each file/dir encountered, a significant performance hit. * The basedir from which the search starts is not included in the results, as it is with GNU find. * The proc calls itself recursively, and thus risks running into interp recursion limits for very large systems. * fileutil.tcl contains three separate instantiations of proc find for varying os's/versions. Maintenance nightmare. The following code eliminates all the above deficiencies. It checks for nested symbolic links in a platform-independent way, and scans directory hierarchies without recursion. For speed and simplicity, it takes advantage of [glob]'s ability to use multiple patterns to scan deeply into a directory structure in a single command, hence the name. Its calling syntax is the same as fileutil::find, so with a name change it could be used as a drop-in replacement: proc globfind {{basedir .} {filtercmd {}}} { set depth 16 set filt [string length $filtercmd] set basedir [file normalize $basedir] file stat $basedir fs set linkName $basedir while {$fs(type) eq "link"} { if {[catch {file stat [set linkName [file normalize [file link $linkName]]] fs}]} { break } } if {$fs(type) eq "file"} { set filename $basedir if {!$filt || [uplevel $filtercmd [list $filename]]} { return $filename } } set globPatternTotal {} set globPattern * set incrPattern /* for {set i 0} {$i < $depth} {incr i} { lappend globPatternTotal $globPattern append globPattern $incrPattern } lappend checkDirs $basedir set returnFiles {} set redo 0 set terminate 0 set hidden {} while {!$terminate} { set currentDir [lindex $checkDirs 0] if {!$redo} { set allFiles [eval [list glob -directory $currentDir -nocomplain] \ $hidden $globPatternTotal] } set redo 0 set termFile [lindex $allFiles end] set termFile [lrange [file split $termFile] [llength [file split $currentDir]] end] if {![llength $hidden]} { set checkDirs [lrange $checkDirs 1 end] } foreach test {checkdirs length duplicate recursion prune} { switch $test { checkdirs { set afIndex [llength $allFiles] incr afIndex -1 for {set i $afIndex} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { set cdir [lindex $allFiles $i] if {[llength [lrange [file split $cdir] [llength [file split $currentDir]] end]] < $depth} { break } file stat $cdir fs set linkName $cdir while {$fs(type) eq "link"} { if [catch { file stat [set linkName [file normalize [file link $linkName]]] fs }] {break} } if {$fs(type) eq "directory"} { lappend checkDirs $cdir } } } length { if {[llength $termFile] < $depth} { break } } duplicate { set recurseTest 0 set dupFile [lindex $allFiles end] set dupFile [lrange [file split $dupFile] [llength [file split $basedir]] end] set dupFileEndDir [expr [llength $dupFile] - 2] if {[lsearch $dupFile [lindex $dupFile end-1]] < $dupFileEndDir} { set recurseTest 1 } } recursion { if {!$recurseTest} {continue} if {($hidden == {})} { set type [list -types l] } else { set type [list -types "hidden l"] } set linkFiles {} set linkDir $currentDir while 1 { set linkFiles [concat $linkFiles [eval \ [list glob -directory $linkDir -nocomplain] $type $globPatternTotal]] if {$linkDir eq $basedir} {break} set linkDir [file dirname $linkDir] } array unset links set linkFiles [lsort -unique $linkFiles] foreach lf $linkFiles { set ltarget [file normalize [file readlink $lf]] if {[array names links -exact $ltarget] ne {}} { lappend pruneLinks $lf set redo 1 } array set links "$ltarget $lf" } } prune { if {![info exists pruneLinks]} { continue } set afIndex [llength $allFiles] incr afIndex -1 set cdIndex [llength $checkDirs] incr cdIndex -1 set rfIndex [llength $returnFiles] incr rfIndex -1 foreach pl $pruneLinks { for {set i $afIndex} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { set af [lindex $allFiles $i] if {![string first $pl/ $af]} { set allFiles [lreplace $allFiles $i $i] } } for {set i $cdIndex} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { set cd [lindex $checkDirs $i] if {![string first $pl/ $cd]} { set checkDirs [lreplace $checkDirs $i $i] } } for {set i $rfIndex} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} { set rf [lindex $returnFiles $i] if {![string first $pl/ $rf]} { set returnFiles [lreplace $returnFiles $i $i] } } } unset pruneLinks } default {} } } if {$redo} continue if {$hidden eq {}} { set hidden [list -types hidden] } else { set hidden {} if {[llength $checkDirs] == 0} { set terminate 1 } } set returnFiles [concat $returnFiles $allFiles] } set filterFiles {} foreach filename [lsort -unique "$returnFiles [list $basedir]"] { if {!$filt || [uplevel $filtercmd [list $filename]]} { lappend filterFiles $filename } } return $filterFiles } ---- [Category Package], subset [Tcllib], [Category File]