**Introduction** The ezdit is a cross-platform text editor written in Tcl/Tk. Features include syntax highlighting, auto-completion, code browsing, auto-indentation, etc. ezdit also supports plugins which extend the editor's functionality. ---- **Downloads** Project Home : http://code.google.com/p/ezdit/%|%http://code.google.com/p/ezdit/%|% Dai's Blog : http://blog.got7.org%|%http://blog.got7.org%|% '''ezdit 0.9.1 , 2010/04/22''' Require Tcl/Tk 8.6 above Source code : http://ezdit.googlecode.com/files/ezdit-src-0.9.1.tar.gz%|%Download%|% Windows standalone : http://ezdit.googlecode.com/files/ezdit-windows-0.9.1.tar.gz%|%Download%|% Linux standalone : http://ezdit.googlecode.com/files/ezdit-linux-0.9.1.tar.gz%|%Download%|% '''ezdit 0.8.4 , 2009/10/06''' Require Tcl/Tk 8.5 above Source code : http://ezdit.googlecode.com/files/ezdit-src-0.8.4.zip%|%Download%|% Windows standalone : http://ezdit.googlecode.com/files/ezdit-win32-0.8.4.zip%|%Download%|% Linux standalone : http://ezdit.googlecode.com/files/ezdit-linux-0.8.4.zip%|%Download%|% ---- **Credits** Thanks to Fabien Legiret , who translated the ezdit into French. Thanks to Mozillazg , who translated the ezdit into Simplified Chinese. ---- **Screenshots** ***Windows*** [http://got7.org/ezdit/win.png] ***Linux*** [http://got7.org/ezdit/linux.png] ***Mac*** [http://got7.org/ezdit/mac.png] ---- **Comments** [Fabricio Rocha] - 12-Apr-2009 - May I suggest a "users comments" section? :) I tried to leave you a message in the website, but I couldn't read it, hehe :D It looks amazing, Yuan, real nice! It is the most good-looking Tcl-made code editor I've seen so far, and I'll sure give it a try in "real-working mode" (I've been using Komodo Edit). If you want a suggestion for the next version: when I opened a Tcl file, the code browser was not filled and the text was not colourized; all this happened when I restarted the editor and the file was loaded in startup. Thanks and keep up the good work! [dai] to [Fabricio Rocha] - 12-Apr-2009 - I will be trying to make ezdit more better. Thank you. [LV] 2009 Apr 23 I too have a suggestion (and I too am unable to work through the web site because I couldn't read it - I apologize). It would be useful to: 1. Add to about.txt a bit of information on getting the tool to start 2. Make use of [package require] to determine if the user has the appropriate version of the packages already installed. Right now, the code only works on Linux, MacOS, and Windows because you do explicit loads to the binary library directory you provide. That's a wonderful feature to provide to users without ActiveTcl, etc. However, for those users who are on platforms that are not compatible with those binaries, there are no notes to explain what to change, etc. to be able to use your wonderful tool. 3. Have you tried ezdit in a starkit/starpack? If so, is there anything needed other than an [sdx] wrap? If not, perhaps one of the fans of the program could try and then provide information about their experience. 4. Are you aware of any additional ezdit plugins, other than what you provide? 5. Add a file that describes the process of writing and connecting a plugin to ezdit. The screenshots look very nice! [dai] to [LV] 23-Apr-2009 Thanks for your suggestions. It is very useful. (Thank you for revising my English. ) In fact, the ezdit standalone is created by using "sdx + tclkit" and they don't need any extra tools. Currently, the plugin mechanism has not matured. I will document it in the future when I am sure of the specifics. [LV] You are welcome. If you ever need someone to help review docs, etc. just let us know. There is usually someone around with a few cycles to spend helping out. [dai] Ok!! Thank you. '''[MSA] - 2009-08-23 13:54:06''' Windows. If file extension in upper case (filename.TCL)- eZdit doesn't parse file as Tcl. [dai] to [MSA] 2009-08-24 Ok! Thank you. [MHo] 2009-09-28: Is there a way to change the font of the UI itself (I don't mean the edit window)? [dai] to [Mho] 2009-09-28: Maybe you can add following commands to source code. ====== # main.tcl proc ::dApp::init {} { ... ... font configure TkDefaultFont -size 12 font configure TkMenuFont -size 12 font configure TkFixedFont -size 12 font configure TkTextFont -size 12 font configure TkCaptionFont -size 12 font configure TkTooltipFont Font -size 12 font configure $::dApp::Priv(font,normal) -size 14 } ====== [MHo], Thanks, but I don't want to hack in the sources, because the changes will be lost if I later download a new release... '''[MSA] - 2009-10-18 15:30:30''' Outline treats comments in class definition as methods. oo::class create SomeClass ... #this is a comment method someMethod ... [dai] to [MSA] 2009-10-19: Ok!! Thank you. ---- See also [Tcl Editors] and [IDE]. ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Editor utility] | [Category Word and Text Processing] | [Category Dev. Tools] |% !!!!!!