Version 9 of e: a tiny editor plugin for eTcl

Updated 2006-02-06 09:05:32 by suchenwi

Richard Suchenwirth 2006-01-16 - With the eTcl distribution for PocketPC I have taken up doing weekend fun projects again. Here's the fruit of last Sunday, simple, but already very useful:

  • a really compact editor that can be called from the eTcl console with a file or proc name,
  • called without argument, e just brings up the edit window, so one can switch
  • displays the content in a window that leaves room for the virtual keyboard
  • can save the content to file again, or evaluate it (e.g. for modified procs)
  • Most of edit functionality is from text anyway, just need menu items to invoke them

Update 2006-02-05: adding 9 lines of code brought coloring for proc and comment lines. Marked as #(1)

The main function builds the UI too, if not already there:

 proc e {{name ""}} {
    if ![winfo exists .t] {
       toplevel .t
       text .t.t -wrap word -yscr ".t.y set" -width 37 -bd 2 -undo 1
       scrollbar .t.y -com ".t.t yview"
       pack .t.t .t.y -side left -fill y
       .t.t tag config red -foreground red   ;#(1)
       .t.t tag config blue -foreground blue ;#(1)
       set m [menu .t.m]
       .t config -menu $m
       m+ $m File Open.. e'open
       m+ $m File Save {e'save $::g(filename)}
       m+ $m File "Save as.." e'save
       m+ $m File ---
       m+ $m File Eval {eval [.t.t get 1.0 end]}
       m+ $m File Clear {.t.t delete 1.0 end}
       m+ $m File ok {console eval {raise .; focus -force .console}}
       foreach i {Cut Copy Paste} {
          m+ $m Edit $i [list event gen .t.t <<$i>>]
       m+ $m Edit ---
       m+ $m Edit Undo {.t.t edit undo}
       m+ $m Edit Redo {.t.t edit redo}
       wm geo .t 240x189+0+25
       set ::g(dir) [pwd]
    if {$name ne ""} {
       .t.t delete 1.0 end
       #.t.t insert end [e'get $name] - now replaced by: #(1)
       foreach line [split [e'get $name] \n] {
          if [regexp {^\s*proc } $line] {
                set tag blue
          } elseif {[regexp {^\s*#} $line]} {
                set tag red
          } else {set tag ""}
          .t.t insert end $line\n $tag
        wm title .t [file tail $name]
    raise .t
    focus -force .t.t

#-- Dispatcher for content types - file or proc

 proc e'get name {
   if [file exists $name] {
      set f [open $name]
      set ::g(filename) $name
      K [read $f] [close $f]
   } else {corp $name}
 proc K {a b} {set a}

#-- reconstruct a proc's full text, with args and defaults (see corp for more)

 proc corp name {
   set argl {}
   foreach a [info args $name] {
      if [info default $name $a def] {
         lappend a $def
      lappend argl $a
   list proc $name $argl [info body $name]

#-- File I/O

 proc e'open {} {
    e [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $::g(dir)]
 proc e'save {{file ""}} {
   if {$file eq ""} {
      set file [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir $::g(dir)]
   if {$file ne ""} {
      set ::g(dir) [file dir [file join [pwd] $file]]
      set f [open $file w]
      puts $f [.t.t get 1.0 "end - 1c"]
      close $f

#--- Wrapper for simple menu definition

 proc m+ {m head label {cmd ""}} {
   if ![winfo ex $m.m$head] {
      $m add casc -label $head -menu [menu $m.m$head -tearoff 0]
   if {$label ne "---"} {
      $m.m$head add command -label $label -command $cmd
   } else {$m.m$head add separator}

Some more goodies: the following menu items make navigating in larger files very convenient:

      m+ $m Goto Top    {.t.t see 1.0}
      m+ $m Goto Cursor {.t.t see insert}
      m+ $m Goto Bottom {.t.t see end}

And for a feature that most M$ editors, and even emacs don't fully provide: displaying the cursor line and column position. For this I make creative use of the menu, by adding a dummy with the label @. Whenever the mouse is clicked in the text, the label is updated to show the current position:

      $m add casc -label @ -menu [menu $m.dummy]
      bind .t.t <ButtonRelease-1> {.t.m entryconf @* -label @[.t.t index current]; xx}

The xx is a necessary workaround in eTcl at least pl4 (fixed in pl6), to prevent that the menu is repeatedly displayed:

 proc xx {} {
   .t config -menu ""
   .t config -menu .t.m

Little code that does much - that's why I love Tcl !-)

EF I have repackaged this into a proper package that does (hopefully) the same. The package incorporates all the additions listed above. It is available in e: a packaged tiny editor for eTcl.

Category Example | Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming | Category Editor utility