A Unix shell language with Tcl connections. dtksh started out in life as a replacement for the Bourne shell. It was written by David Korn, and was originally called [ksh]. The Tcl/Tk connection comes from here: What: Tksh Where: http://www.kornshell.com/ http://www.cs.princeton.edu/%7Ejlk/tkshproj/ http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/reuse/ http://www.gtlinc.com/products/languages/ksh/ksh.html Description: Tksh is an implementation of the Tcl C library written on top of ksh93. Tksh emulates the ksh93. This allows Tcl libraries such as Tk to run on top of ksh93 unchanged, making it possible to use shell scripts in place of Tcl scripts. ksh93 is well suited for use with Tk because it is backward compatible with sh, making it both easy to learn and easy to extend existing scripts to provide a graphical user interface. Tksh allows Tcl scripts to run without modification using the ksh93 internals. The latest tksh works with Tcl 7.6 and updates for Tcl 8.x are hoped for summer 1998. Updated: 09/2001 Contact: mailto:jlk@cs.princeton.edu (Jeff Korn)