[MDD]: This is a pure-Tcl replacement for [Tcl-DP]. It was originally developed by [Steve Wahl], as part of the [Eolas] [Spynergy] Toolkit. dp_RPC.tcl is released under the BSD license, so reuse/modify it freely, as long as the original copyright notice is included. To incorporate it into your own application, all you have to do is source the single http://www.eolas.net/tcl/spynergy/rpc/dp_RPC.tcl file, and then start using the commands. The command documentation can be viewed at http://www.eolas.net/tcl/spynergy/rpc/ Example client and server applications can be seen at [rpc-DB]. Here is an example, the server side: # server.tcl source dp_RPC.tcl set foo "" proc hello { } { return "Hello world!" } dp_MakeRPCServer 5454 vwait foo And the client side: # client.tcl source dp_RPC.tcl set sock [dp_MakeRPCClient localhost 5454] puts stdout [dp_RPC $sock hello] dp_CloseRPC $sock ---- [Gerald W. Lester] For another pure Tcl implementation of TclDp, see [DpTcl] at http://members.cox.net/gerald.lester/DpTcl.tar.gz ----