See [do...until in Tcl] See also [while...wend in Tcl] There is a difference between do..until and while..wend. By do..until the statment is executed at least once We can simulate such behaviour in Tcl by: while 1 { # ..statement if {!expresion} break } ---- [DKF]: Try this: proc do {body keyword expression} { if {$keyword eq "while"} { set expression "!($expression)" } elseif {$keyword ne "until"} { return -code error "unknown keyword \"$keyword\": must be until or while" } set condition [list expr $expression] while 1 { uplevel 1 $body if {[uplevel 1 $condition]} { break } } return } ---- [fredderic]: How about this version: proc do {command while test} { if { $while eq "until" } { set test "!($test)" } elseif { $while ne "while" } { error "unknown keyword \"$while\": must be while or until" } set code [catch {uplevel 1 $command} result] switch -exact $code { 0 - 4 {} 3 {return} default {return -code $code $result} } set code [catch {uplevel 1 [list while ${bool}($test) $command]} result] return -code $code $result } It's a version I wrote quite some time ago, augmented with [DKF]s somewhat neater keyword check. The advantage is that this one runs the first pass manually, and then runs the rest of the loop directly in-place. I think the [catch] handling may need a little attention, and I personally like returning the result of the last body iteration. ---- [wdb] This is my one which allows to use [while] as well as self-defined constructions such as [until]: proc ::do {code while cond} { # nicht-abweisende Schleife uplevel 1 $code uplevel 1 [list $while $cond $code] } ---- [Category Control Structure]