CMcC 26Aug08 Debug is a package to produce debug narrative. '''Usage''' First declare a narrative stream thus: Debug on FOO 100 Where ''FOO'' is the narrative stream's name, and ''100'' is the level of interest we have in it. By convention, higher numbers are more detailed. Then, scatter narrative through your code thus: Debug.FOO {this is an arbitrary expression containing $vars [and exprs]} 10 If the level of interest of the narrative line is less than the currently assigned level of interest, the narrative is evaluated and the output sent to the stream's open file descriptor. # Debug - a debug narrative logger. # # Debugging areas of interest are represented by 'tokens' which have # independantly settable levels of interest (an integer, higher is more detailed) # # Debug narrative is provided as a tcl script whose value is [subst]ed in the # caller's scope if and only if the current level of interest matches or exceeds # the Debug call's level of detail. This is useful, as one can place arbitrarily # complex narrative in code without unnecessarily evaluating it. # # TODO: potentially different streams for different areas of interest. # (currently only stderr is used. there is some complexity in efficient # cross-threaded streams.) package provide Debug 2.0 namespace eval Debug { variable detail variable level 0 variable fds proc noop {args} {} proc debug {tag message {level 1}} { variable detail if {$detail($tag) >= $level} { variable fds set fd $fds($tag) set code [catch { uplevel 1 ::subst -nobackslashes [list $message] } result eo] if {$code} { set x [info level -1] puts -nonewline $fd @@[string map {\n \\n \r \\r} "(DebugError from $tag [if {[string length $x] < 1000} {set x} else {set x "[string range $x 0 200]...[string range $x end-200 end]"}] ($eo)):"] } else { if {[string length $result] > 4096} { set result "[string range $result 0 4096]...(truncated) ... [string range $result end-4096 end]" } puts $fd "$tag @@[string map {\n \\n} $result]" } } else { #puts stderr "$tag @@@ $detail($tag) >= $level" } } # names - return names of debug tags proc names {} { variable detail return [lsort [array names detail]] } proc 2array {} { variable detail set result {} foreach n [lsort [array names detail]] { if {[interp alias {} Debug.$n] ne "::Debug::noop"} { lappend result $n $detail($n) } else { lappend result $n -$detail($n) } } return $result } # level - set level and fd for tag proc level {tag {level ""} {fd stderr}} { variable detail if {$level ne ""} { set detail($tag) $level } if {![info exists detail($tag)]} { set detail($tag) 1 } variable fds set fds($tag) $fd return $detail($tag) } # turn on debugging for tag proc on {tag {level ""} {fd stderr}} { level $tag $level $fd interp alias {} Debug.$tag {} ::Debug::debug $tag } # turn off debugging for tag proc off {tag {level ""} {fd stderr}} { level $tag $level $fd interp alias {} Debug.$tag {} ::Debug::noop } namespace export -clear * namespace ensemble create -subcommands {} } ---- !!!!!! %| enter categories here |% !!!!!!