**Iwidgets datefield** [http://incrtcl.sourceforge.net/iwidgets/iwidgets/datefield.gif] Docs can be found at http://incrtcl.sourceforge.net/iwidgets/iwidgets/datefield.html and http://purl.org/tcl/home/man/iwidgets3.0/datefield.n.html This widget's full name is iwidgets::datefield. **Tklib datefield** A functionally equivalent but tcl-only datefield widget by [Keith Vetter] is available at [tcl-only datefield]. This [tcl]/[tk] only version is now a part of [tklib]. The full name for this widget appears to be ::datefield::datefield . Its documentation can be found at http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/doc/datefield.html ---- One difference between the two is that at least in one environment, the default background of the iwidgets datefield is grey, while the default background of the tklib version is bisque ... [KPV] huh? It's just an entry widget with special bindings. What color it is is whatever the tk default unless the user specifies otherwise. ---- [Mark Alston] 2008-09-20 : A more functional difference is the ability to set the intelligence of the iwidgets::datefield to low. This allows for dates of 0000-00-00 or any other nonsensical dates. The ability to enter dates of 0000-00-00 can be important for storing in a [mysql] database to indicate that the date has not yet been determined. ---- **See also** * [timeentry] ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Date and Time] | [Category Command] | [Category Widget] | [Category GUI], a part of [incr Widgets] | [Category tklib] |% !!!!!!