Version 18 of cryptogram puzzle solver

Updated 2005-04-10 18:55:22

I'm not sure where this page came back from, but it's probably here to hold information onsolving cryptograms.

GWM I think this might have been meant to provoke a solver for such crypto number puzzles as


(both examples from ) I could be wrong of course. Tcl is probably best used in a brute force/cpu approach - try S=1,2,3,4,5,7,8, until a solution is found.

KBK But there already is a page on solving cryptarithms! See also Brute force with velvet gloves.

 What: cryptogram puzzle solver
 Where: From the contact
 Description: Tcl script and dictionary file for solving cryptgram puzzles.
 Updated: 03/1999
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (John F. Davis)


RJ Adding back prior page entries. - to the guy from Bethpage area who deleted this page: I'm not familiar the Optimum Online Cablevision netiquet policies, but it's my experience that TCL'ers tend not to delete existing entries. It's disrespectful and annoys the administrators.

Here's the entry s/he deleted the page to add. We get it. It's a challenge...


066 117 101 110 097 032 086 105 115 116 097 032 084 111 119 110 115 104 105 112 032 034 066 108 097 110 107 032 066 108 097 110 107 034 032 080 097 114 107 046

KBK It's just decimal ASCII codes for, 'Buena Vista Township "Blank Blank" Park.' Since I work for the owner of a competitor, let me disclaim that I'm not the originator of that string, I'm translating the string, but not stating anything for well or ill, about a certain amusement park in Florida, which I shan't even name.